- 2 Ways to Request Permissions in Jetpack Compose
- Implement Horizontal and Vertical ViewPager in Jetpack Compose
- Android Access Token Logic with Retrofit OkHttp Interceptors
- Implement Bottom Sheet in Jetpack Compose
- Integrate Google Maps into the Jetpack Compose app
- Jetpack Compose Clean Navigation
- Jetpack Compose Swipe to Refresh
- Jetpack Compose Pagination
- Jetpack Compose: Clean and Encapsulated Composables
- Jetpack Compose List Sticky Header
- Jetpack Compose Custom Hideable Bottom Sheet
The demo application that shows how to request permissions in two different ways, by using default built-in features and by using accompanist library
The demo application that shows how to implement ViewPager in Jetpack Compose by using the accompanist library
The demo application that shows how you can use OkHttp Interceptors to add and refresh an access token
The demo application that shows how to implement BottomSheet in Jetpack Compose
The demo application that shows how to implement GoogleMaps in Jetpack Compose
The demo application that shows how to implement Clean Navigation in Jetpack Compose
The demo application that shows how to implement Swipe-to-Refresh and Placeholders in Jetpack Compose
The demo application that shows how to implement Pagination in Jetpack Compose
The demo application that shows encapsulated composables example in Jetpack Compose
The demo application that shows a list sticky header example in Jetpack Compose
The demo application that shows how to create a custom hideable bottom sheet in Jetpack Compose