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XORCrypter v1.5
Contact: '[email protected]'
Github: ''

Thank you for downloading my software!

Keep in mind that strength of encryption depends on your key 
and every message encrypted by this program can be broken.
(but this takes a lot of time). 
I'm not taking any responsibility.

To build program use 'make' command.

To install use 'make install'

Type 'make uninstall'

Usage: xorc [data file] [key file] -[hvuios]
Program encrypts [data file] with [key file] using
xor operations, so it is symetric encryption.

Instead of file names you can use '-' (dash) to read from 
standard input. First non option argument is treated as data file name,
then second as key file name.
If there are no file names program will read by deafault data and key
from standard input.

Symetric encryption means, to decrypt, crypt file once more with the same key.
So if you crypt your file even number of times, 
the file will be in it's original form (before first encryption).

-o save encrypted data in base64 format.
-i read input data in base64 format.
-s don't save crypted data to original data file only
print it to standard output.
-h and -u shows general help.
-v show program info.
no args shows -v and -h

xorc my_secret_msg key - program encrypts data and saves it to my_secret_msg.
xorc -v - program shows version info.
xorc msg key -o - program encrypts data and saves it in base64 to msg.
xorc msg - -s - program reads data from msg and key from standard input. Then
because of -s option it prints encrypted data to standard output.
xorc - - -o - reads data and key from standard input and prints it in base64
Intead of previous command we can use:
xorc -o - it does the same.
xorc - key -io - read data from standard input in base64, key from file and 
write encrypted data to standard output in base64.

Values returned by program mean:
0 - everything's good
1 - failed to open file
2 - failed read/write to file
3 - failed to allocate memory
4 - bad arguments syntax

Please report bugs at '[email protected]'.

Have fun! :)

Copyright (C) 2021 Francisiek
This program is distributed under
GNU General Public License v3.0 or later 