305construction is a project’s software that helps organize construction, based on the MPM method starting from a file
that describes all of the project’s tasks.
This program displays:
- Total duration of construction,
- The earliest and latest dates for each task,
- A Gantt diagram that specifies intervals of fluctuation
A Gantt chart is a type of bar chart that illustrates a project schedule. Gantt charts illustrate the start and finish dates of the terminal elements and summary elements of a project. Terminal elements and summary elements comprise the work breakdown structure of the project.
./305construction file
file The file you want to use. It must be a .csv file
Here is an example of file you must use:
>>> cat house.csv
Fin;finishing touches;9;Cov;Ele;Mas;Plu
This file describes all of the tasks. Each line represents a task, and contains 4 separate pieces of information that are sepa-
rated by semicolons, in the following order:
- the task’s code,
- the description of the task,
- the duration of the task,
- the list of the task’s prerequisites (they are also separated by semicolons).
>>> ./305construction house.csv
total duration of construction: 28 weeks
Lan must begin at t=0
Fou must begin at t=3
Car must begin at t=11
Mas must begin between t=11 and t=13
Cov must begin at t=15
Ele must begin at t=17
Plu must begin at t=18
Hea must begin between t=18 and t=25
Fin must begin at t=19
Lan (0) ===
Fou (0) ========
Car (0) ====
Mas (2) ====
Cov (0) ==
Ele (0) =
Plu (0) =
Hea (7) ===
Fin (0) =========