Python Map Plotter: A Python program that allows you to input latitude and longitude coordinates and plot multiple points on a map. Visualize geographic data with ease!
Before running the application, make sure you have the required Python packages installed. You can install them using the following command:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Run the application by executing the script. You will see a window with latitude and longitude input fields. Enter the latitude and longitude of the point you want to plot. Click the "Plot" button to display the point on the map. You can also change the country displayed on the map by modifying the code in By default, it displays a map of Pakistan. To change the country, locate the following line in the code:
axis = world_data[ == "Pakistan"].plot(ax=ax, color="lightblue", edgecolor="black")
Replace "Pakistan" with the name of the country you want to display.
Here's an example of how to use the application:
Run the application.
Enter latitude: 52.5200
longitude: 13.4050
Click the "Plot" button.
A red point will be displayed on the map at the specified coordinates.
Feel free to fork and modify this project to suit your needs!
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