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Ad Astra

Crate API Docs Book Examples Playground

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Ad Astra is a configurable scripting language platform designed for embedding in Rust applications.

Unlike system programming languages such as Rust or C , the primary advantage of scripting languages is their short edit-compile-run loop, allowing users to quickly re-run scripts and see the results almost instantly, without needing to stop and rebuild the entire host application. Additionally, scripting languages, including Ad Astra, have a lightweight and easy-to-learn syntax.

These features are essential for live coding, making them an ideal choice as the foundation for dynamic plugin systems in end-user applications. For example, they can be used as scripting systems for video game engines or any other applications requiring dynamic reconfiguration capabilities.

Key Features

What makes Ad Astra stand out among alternative solutions are:

  1. Advanced Built-In Language Server

    With the built-in LSP server, you can provide your users with code editor language extensions that help them explore exported APIs and navigate through script code in real-time.

  2. Rust Integration

    Using the Export macro, you can export Rust crate APIs into a fully dynamic script environment with minimal changes.

  3. Configurable Language Semantics

    Most language constructs, including operators and types, are configurable and customizable. You can define your own domain-specific language semantics to meet the specific needs of your application domain.

Language Server


You can experience the features of the Ad Astra language server yourself in the interactive Playground.

This demo editor runs locally in your web browser without needing a remote web server. The client-side uses a customized Monaco editor, while the server-side is powered by the Ad Astra LSP server, built for the WebAssembly target and running in the browser's web worker.

The same editor infrastructure can be set up with any IDE that supports the LSP protocol, such as VS Code. Example setups are available in the examples directory.

Supported LSP features:

  • Live syntax and semantic diagnostics for source code.
  • Code completion suggestions.
  • Jump to definitions and declarations of identifiers.
  • Inlay hints for variable types and function parameters.
  • Tooltips for variables, functions, and other identifiers.
  • Highlighting of semantically related identifiers.
  • Function signature hints.
  • Identifier renaming.
  • Built-in code formatter.
  • Quickfix suggestions for issues.
  • Script runner.

Exporting Rust API

The #[export] macro from the crate introspects Rust module items and exports them to the script engine.

The script user can then utilize the exported Rust API in a fully dynamic script environment.

// Exports the `deg` function to the script environment.
pub fn deg(degrees: f64) -> f64 {
    PI * degrees / 180.0

// Exports the Rust struct `Vector` with public fields.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq)]
pub struct Vector {
    pub x: f64,
    pub y: f64,

// Defines the `vector_1   vector_2` operator in the script.
impl Add for Vector {
    type Output = Self;

    fn add(mut self, rhs: Self) -> Self::Output {
        self.x  = rhs.x;
        self.y  = rhs.y;


// Exports type methods to the script.
impl Vector {
    pub fn radius(&self) -> f64 {
        (self.x * self.x   self.y * self.y).sqrt()

Ad Astra Language

The Ad Astra language is a dynamically-typed, interpreted scripting language that incorporates elements from functional, object-oriented, and concatenative paradigms.

The language semantics is inspired by JavaScript, Lua, and Python, while the syntax is designed to visually resemble Rust.

This language is easy to learn for most programmers and does not require advanced programming concepts to get started.

// Imports the Rust API from the exported crate "my_crate".
use my_crate;

// Variable declaration.
let foo = 10;

// The language supports for-loops and unbounded loops.
for i in 0..50 {
    // Prints formatted strings: "Step 0", "Step 1", etc.
    dbg(["Step ", i]);

// Function declaration.
let func = fn(a) {
    // Utilizes the closure "foo".
    return foo   a;

func(20) == 30;

// A struct is a key-value data type similar to a JavaScript object
// or Lua table. With the "struct" type, users can emulate objects
// with fields and methods.
let my_object = struct {
    field: 123,
    method: fn(a) {
        self.field  = a;

my_object.field == 128;

The base language deliberately features minimalistic syntax and built-in APIs, allowing you to create a customized language environment through Rust exports that suit your domain-specific needs.

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This work is proprietary software with source-available code.

To copy, use, distribute, or contribute to this work, you must agree to the terms and conditions of the General License Agreement.

For an explanation of the licensing terms, see the F.A.Q.

Copyright (c) 2024 Ilya Lakhin (Илья Александрович Лахин). All rights reserved.