War3Net.CodeAnalysis.Transpilers is a library that allows you to transpile JASS source code to C# or lua.
The following example shows how to transpile a .j file to a .lua file:
using CSharpLua;
using System.IO;
using War3Net.CodeAnalysis.Jass;
using War3Net.CodeAnalysis.Transpilers;
var transpiler = new JassToLuaTranspiler();
var luaCompilationUnit = transpiler.Transpile(JassParser.ParseFile(@"path\to\war3map.j"));
using (var fileStream = File.Create(@"path\to\war3map.lua"))
using (var writer = new StreamWriter(fileStream))
var luaRendererOptions = new LuaSyntaxGenerator.SettingInfo
Indent = 4,
var luaRenderer = new LuaRenderer(luaRendererOptions, writer);