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Charlotte Skardon edited this page Feb 7, 2023 · 8 revisions


A .NET client for Neo4j, designed to make it easy to write Cypher queries in C# with IntelliSense.

Licensed under MS-PL. See LICENSE in the root of this repository for full license text.

Getting the Library

Neo4jClient ships exclusively as a NuGet package.

To install it, run Install-Package Neo4jClient in the NuGet Package Manager Console.

The NuGet package is automatically updated whenever new code is pushed to the central source repository. You may see several new builds per day during active development. We use a heavily test-driven approach to validate new features and to guard against regressions. In the absolute worst case, you can always roll back to an older version of the package anyway.

Getting Help

For questions, ask on StackOverflow using the neo4jclient tag and you"ll generally get a response within 24 hours.

If you think you"ve found a bug or a missing feature, open an issue so we can fix it.


These pages only document our .NET library. They are not intended to explain how Neo4j works. We"re assuming that you understand nodes, relationships, indexing and Cypher queries. If not, you should refer to the neo4j documentation for that information.

  1. Getting Connected (start here)
  2. Performing Cypher Queries (all the principles of our Cypher support that you need to know)
  3. Cypher Examples (specific examples)
  4. Influencing Serialization
  5. Async Support
  6. Bad Habits (some we"ve seen in the wild, that we"d like you not to write)

Commercial Support

The library is maintained by Charlotte Skardon on a best effort basis - if you want something specific for commercial reasons please feel free to reach out to her via email

CI Build

The CI build is run via AppVeyor and is currently: Build status(