27 years old , graduated in Systems Analysis and Development at Estácio De Sá University, 4 years of experience building software, specialized in Backend.
Most part of my experience as a developer consists on creating REST APIS , cron jobs and API integrations using languages and tools such as PHP, NodeJS, Laravel, always striving to apply best practices from software development into each project.
I believe that building a software is like an art , therefore , we should always look foward to make the code as clean and reliable as possible and always sticking with the right architectural patterns for each application. I believe that as a blacksmith forges his best blade , not only to cut , but to look amazingly done aswell , we need to build software , bringing value to the current company that we 're working on 🤓.
- 🌎 Based in Belo Horizonte, Brazil.
- 💻 You can check my portfolio at this website.
- 🚀 Currently building solutions for companies at VersianiWorks.
- 📫 You can contact-me at [email protected].
- 🤓 The technologies that I know are: PHP, Laravel, Livewire, .NET, NodeJS, NestJS, React, Docker.
- 🤝🏽 I'm open to collaborating on open source projects.