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TipKit style API to call a closure, or trigger a NSNotification based on events and condition.


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TipKit style API to trigger an arbitrary closure, or a NSNotification based on events and condition.


  • To open your Paywall from time to time
  • To prompt your user to add an App Store review
  • Watching and sending achievements to Game Center with GameKit
  • Show a shortcut available for an action that is often performed by a user
  • ...


  • Swift 5.9 (Xcode 15 )
  • iOS 14 , iPadOS 14 , tvOS 14 , watchOS 7 , macOS 11


Install using Swift Package Manager

dependencies: [
    .package(url: "", from: "0.5.0"),
targets: [
    .target(name: "MyTarget", dependencies: [
        .product(name: "RuleKit", package: "RuleKit"),

And import it:

import RuleKit

How to use?

RuleKit is about one thing: invoking a closure, or trigger a NSNotification when a set of rules are fulfilled!

  • Configure RuleKit when your application starts
try RuleKit.configure(storeLocation: .applicationDefault)
  • Create "events" to trigger RuleKit
extension RuleKit.Event {
    public static let appStarted: Self = "appStarted"
    public static let entityCreated: Self = "itemCreated"
    public static let promptAttempt: Self = "promptAttempt"
  • Create a custom notification to be triggered by RuleKit
import Foundation

extension Notification.Name {
    static let requestReviewPrompt = Notification.Name("RequestReviewPrompt")
  • Implement your logic of when your custom notification is triggered
import StoreKit
import SwiftUI

struct ContentView: View {
    private var requestReview

    var body: View {
        Text("Hello, World!")
            .onReceive(NotificationCenter.default.publisher(for: .requestReviewPrompt)) { _ in
  • Register your business rules that should trigger your closure, or your notification
    triggering: requestReviewNotification, 
    options: [.triggerFrequency(.monthly)], 
        .event(.promptAttempt) {
            $0.donations.last?.version != .current
            .event(.entityCreated) { _ in
                MyStore.shared.entityCount >= 5
                .event(.appStarted) {
                    $0.donations.count >= 3
                .event(.entityCreated) { _ in
                    MyStore.shared.entityCount >= 3
  • Donate those events at proper places in your app
// Asynchronously
// Synchronously
await RuleKit.Event.entityCreated.donate()
  • As soon as an event is donated, if all the rules are fulfilled, the notification will be sent
  • If required, reset an event donations to zero:
// Asynchronously
// Synchronously
await RuleKit.Event.appStarted.reset()

Available stores:

  • .applicationDefault: Will use the default Document folder of your app
  • .groupContainer(identifier: String): Will store your event donations in the shared AppGroup container
  • .url( Provide your own URL. It should be a directory URL.

Available options:

  • .triggerFrequency(_): Throttle down notification donation or using given period
  • .dispatchQueue(_): Choose the DispatchQueue you want your notification to be sent from. Defaults to main queue.
  • .delay(for: _) and .delay(nanoseconds: _): Delay the trigger of a specific notification after it was fulfilled.

Event.Donations properties available in the condition closure:

  • count: the number of times an event have been donated
  • first and last: the first and last retrieved donation (date version)


You are encouraged to contribute to this repository, by opening issues, or pull requests for bug fixes, improvement requests, or support. Suggestions for contributing:

  • Improving documentation
  • Adding some automated tests 😜
  • Adding some new rules, options or properties for more use cases