If you reach out to me by email, please use a subject that starts with [Github]
or I will treat the message as spam.
I do like hearing from people who genuinely want to learn or have shared interests.
I"ve been a part of a number of small companies and startups at all stages of their life and I"d love to hear about your side project or offer feedback where I"m able.
I am a full-stack software engineer passionate about Serverless, DevOps, and Cloud-first technology. I graduated from the University of Dayton College of Engineering with a Bachelor of Science degree in computer engineering. I"ve founded/co-founded a few tech startups and enjoy building new ideas and trying to make them work.
- NullServe
- Pepperonio (closed)
- MG4.tv / iotv (closed)
I"ve worked with many startups in the following roles:
- Series A Full Stack Engineer - Era Software (Exited acq. by ServiceNow)
- Series B Full Stack Engineer - VNDLY, Inc (Exited acq. by Workday)
- Founder - NullServe
- Advisor/Mentor - Atumsoft
- Local Event Host/Sponsor - Angelhack Cincinnati 2015, 2016
- Founding Engineer/DevOps - Instameals
- Co-Founding Engineer - Pepperonio
- Hackathon Winner - Angelhack Cincinnati 2014 (Pepperonio)
- Founder - MG4.tv / iotv
- First Contract Engineer / Engineering Advisor - MyI, LLC
- Contract Software Engineer / Technical Writer - E-Gov Link, EC-Link
- First Employee DevOps - Swarmfarm, LLC
I"m currently working at @lightstep ServiceNow Cloud Observability and working on observability and applicaiton log management.