I"m Daniel McNab, a software developer in the UK, working on Open Source Rust.
Pronouns: He/Him
I maintain Xilem, an experimental cross-platform UI framework.
I can be reached on the Linebender Zulip; my email address is also available there. Alternatively, you can arrange a meeting during my office hours.
I have office hours available to be booked through Google Calendar at https://calendar.app.google/y4Ypr9Hby2KJWapZ7. These are open to anyone wishing to get in touch. If you are using Xilem, I would encourage you to book these to discuss how we can make Xilem work better for you.
I"m available to contract for Rust projects, please contact me to discuss. I have expertise in user interface work, but am willing to adapt to other areas, and have previous compilers experience.
I am not currently seeking employment, but am open to discussion.