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Redis Server (Java based implementation)

This is "Redis"-like server, with support for RESP v2 protocol for serialization and deserialization, and a subset of Redis commands: PING, ECHO, GET, SET (with NX, XX, EX and PX options), DEL, EXISTS, INCR, DECR, LPUSH, RPUSH, LRANGE, FLUSHALL and SAVE. It seamlessly works with the Redis CLI, as well as the Jedis (Java) Client for Redis.

Run Instructions

  1. Run git clone <URL>
  2. Open powershell (or terminal), cd into the projects base directory, if you are not already there.
  3. Run mvn clean package, does as above, but also runs the tests.
  4. To run the jar, execute java --enable-preview -jar .\target\RedisServer-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar from the projects base directory


  1. You can also use Docker image by executing docker build -t <my-application> .
  2. Then Run docker run -p 8080:8080 <my-application>.


  1. You will need Java version 21 with --enable-preview flag to use String Template Which are used in serializer and deserializer.

  2. If you want to configure Aws cloud Logging then use start scripts in /scripts folder.

Performance BenchMark

RedisServer(Java Based) v/s RedisServer

Set and Get Functions

  1. RedisServer (StandAlone)

Alt text

  1. RedisServer (Java Implementation)

Alt text

Set and LPush Functions

  1. RedisServer (StandAlone)

Alt text

  1. RedisServer (Java Implementation)

Alt text


  1. RedisServer (StandAlone)

Alt text

  1. RedisServer (Java Implementation)

Alt text

RedisServer(Java Based) vs ClauDb(Another Java Based implementation of Redis)

Set and Get

  1. ClauDb Alt text

  2. RedisServer(Java Based) Alt text

Set and Lpush

  1. ClauDb Alt text

  2. RedisServer(Java Based) Alt text


This redis implementation does not surpass the official Redis implementation, due to obvious reason , as official redis is in C which is much closer to bare metal.

However, on comparion with other open source java based redis server like ClauDb,the performnace of this implementation performs on average 20% better (set, get, lpush)


Java based implementation of Redis Server






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