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European Regional Development Fund

web-eid-authtoken-validation-java is a Java library for issuing challenge nonces and validating Web eID JWT authentication tokens during secure authentication with electronic ID (eID) smart cards in web applications.


Complete the steps below to add support for secure authentication with eID cards to your Java web application back end. Instructions for the font end are available here.

A Java web application that uses Maven or Gradle to manage packages is needed for running this quickstart. Examples are for Maven, but they are straightforward to translate to Gradle.

See full example here.

1. Add the library to your project

Add the following lines to Maven pom.xml to include the Web eID authentication token validation library in your project:



2. Add cache support

The validation library needs a cache for storing issued challenge nonces. Any JSR107 javax.cache.Cache API compatible implementation is suitable, we use Caffeine here.

Add the following lines to Maven pom.xml:



Configure the cache as follows:

import com.github.benmanes.caffeine.jcache.spi.CaffeineCachingProvider;

import javax.cache.Cache;
import javax.cache.CacheManager;
import javax.cache.Caching;
import javax.cache.configuration.CompleteConfiguration;
import javax.cache.configuration.MutableConfiguration;
import javax.cache.expiry.CreatedExpiryPolicy;
import javax.cache.expiry.Duration;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;

import static javax.cache.configuration.FactoryBuilder.factoryOf;

    private static final long NONCE_TTL_MINUTES = 5;
    private static final String CACHE_NAME = "nonceCache";

    private Cache<String, LocalDateTime> nonceCache() {
        CacheManager cacheManager = Caching.getCachingProvider(CaffeineCachingProvider.class.getName())
        Cache<String, LocalDateTime> cache = cacheManager.getCache(CACHE_NAME);

        if (cache == null) {
            cache = createNonceCache(cacheManager);
        return cache;

    private Cache<String, LocalDateTime> createNonceCache(CacheManager cacheManager) {
        CompleteConfiguration<String, LocalDateTime> cacheConfig = new MutableConfiguration<String, LocalDateTime>()
                .setTypes(String.class, LocalDateTime.class)
                .setExpiryPolicyFactory(factoryOf(new CreatedExpiryPolicy(
                        new Duration(TimeUnit.MINUTES, NONCE_TTL_MINUTES   1))));
        return cacheManager.createCache(CACHE_NAME, cacheConfig);

3. Configure the nonce generator

The validation library needs to generate authentication challenge nonces and store them in the cache for later validation. Overview of nonce usage is provided in the Web eID system architecture document. The nonce generator will be used in the REST endpoint that issues challenges; it is thread-safe and should be scoped as a singleton.

Configure the nonce generator as follows:


    public NonceGenerator nonceGenerator() {
        return new NonceGeneratorBuilder()

4. Add trusted certificate authority certificates

You must explicitly specify which intermediate certificate authorities (CAs) are trusted to issue the eID authentication certificates. CA certificates can be loaded from either the truststore file, resources or any stream source. We use the CertificateLoader helper class from testutil to load CA certificates from resources here, but consider using the truststore file instead.

First, copy the trusted certificates, for example ESTEID-SK_2015.cer and ESTEID2018.cer, to resources/cacerts/, then load the certificates as follows:


    private X509Certificate[] trustedIntermediateCACertificates() {
         return CertificateLoader.loadCertificatesFromResources(
             "cacerts/ESTEID-SK_2015.cer", "cacerts/ESTEID2018.cer");

5. Configure the authentication token validator

Once the prerequisites have been met, the authentication token validator itself can be configured. The mandatory parameters are the website origin (the URL serving the web application), nonce cache and trusted certificate authorities. The authentication token validator will be used in the login processing component of your web application authentication framework; it is thread-safe and should be scoped as a singleton.


    public AuthTokenValidator tokenValidator() throws JceException {
        return new AuthTokenValidatorBuilder()

6. Add a REST endpoint for issuing challenge nonces

A REST endpoint that issues challenge nonces is required for authentication. The endpoint must support GET requests.

In the following example, we are using the Spring RESTful Web Services framework to implement the endpoint, see also full implementation here.

import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.GetMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController;

public class ChallengeController {

    @Autowired // for brevity, prefer constructor dependency injection
    private NonceGenerator nonceGenerator;

    public ChallengeDTO challenge() {
        // a simple DTO with a single 'challenge' field
        final ChallengeDTO challenge = new ChallengeDTO();
        return challenge;

Also, see general guidelines for implementing secure authentication services here.

7. Implement authentication

Authentication consists of calling the validate() method of the authentication token validator. The internal implementation of the validation process is described in more detail below and in the Web eID system architecture document.

When using Spring Security with standard cookie-based authentication,

  • implement a custom authentication provider that uses the authentication token validator for authentication as shown here,
  • implement an AJAX authentication processing filter that extracts the authentication token and passes it to the authentication manager as shown here,
  • configure the authentication provider and authentication processing filter in the application configuration as shown here.

The gist of the validation is in the authenticate() method of the authentication provider:

try {
    X509Certificate userCertificate = tokenValidator.validate(token);
    return new PreAuthenticatedAuthenticationToken(
        getPrincipalFromCertificate(userCertificate), null, authorities);
} catch (...) {

Table of contents


The Web eID authentication token validation library for Java has everything it takes to ensure that the authentication token sent by the Web eID browser extension contains valid, consistent data that has not been modified by a third party. It also implements secure challenge nonce generation as required by the Web eID authentication protocol. It is easy to configure and integrate into your authentication service.

The authentication protocol, validation requirements and nonce usage is described in more detail in the Web eID system architecture document.

Authentication token validation

The authentication token validation process consists of three stages:

  • First, the validator parses the token header and extracts the user certificate from the x5c field. Then it checks the certificate expiration, purpose and policies. Next it checks that the certificate is signed by a trusted CA and checks the certificate status with OCSP.
  • Second, the validator validates the token signature and parses the token body. The signature validator validates that the signature was created using the user certificate that was provided in the header.
  • Last, the validator checks the claims from the token body. It checks that the token hasn't expired, that the nonce field contains a valid challenge nonce that exists in the cache and hasn't expired, and that the aud field contains the site origin URL. Optionally, if configured, it also verifies the site TLS certificate fingerprint included in the aud field (see Extended configuration below).

The authentication token can be used only once as the corresponding nonce will be removed from the cache during nonce validation. The nonce will also be automatically evicted from the cache when its cache time-to-live expires.

Basic usage

As described in section 5. Configure the authentication token validator, the mandatory configuration parameters are the website origin, nonce cache and trusted certificate authorities.

Origin should be the URL serving the web application. Origin URL must be in the form of "https://" <hostname> [ ":" <port> ] as defined in MDN and not contain path or query components.

The nonce cache instance is used to look up nonce expiry time using its unique value as key. The values in the cache are populated by the nonce generator as described in section Nonce generation below. Consider using Caffeine or Ehcache as the caching provider if your application does not run in a cluster, or Hazelcast, Infinispan or non-Java distributed cahces like Memcached or Redis if it does. Cache configuration is described in more detail in section 2. Add cache support.

The trusted certificate authority certificates are used to validate that the user certificate from the authentication token is signed by a trusted certificate authority. Intermediate CA certificates must be used instead of the root CA certificates so that revoked CA certificates can be detected. Trusted certificate authority certificates configuration is described in more detail in section 4. Add trusted certificate authority certificates.

The authentication token validator configuration and construction is described in more detail in section 5. Configure the authentication token validator. Once the validator object has been constructed, it can be used for validating authentication tokens as follows:

X509Certificate userCertificate = tokenValidator.validate(tokenString);  

The validate() method returns the validated user certificate object if validation is successful or throws an exception as described in section Possible validation errors below if validation fails. The CertUtil and TitleCase classes can be used for extracting user information from the user certificate object:

import static;

CertUtil.getSubjectCN(userCertificate); // "JÕEORG\\,JAAK-KRISTJAN\\,38001085718"
CertUtil.getSubjectIdCode(userCertificate); // "PNOEE-38001085718"
CertUtil.getSubjectCountryCode(userCertificate); // "EE"

toTitleCase(CertUtil.getSubjectGivenName(userCertificate)); // "Jaak-Kristjan"
toTitleCase(CertUtil.getSubjectSurname(userCertificate)); // "Jõeorg"

Extended configuration

The following additional configuration options are available in AuthTokenValidatorBuilder:

  • withSiteCertificateSha256Fingerprint(String siteCertificateFingerprint) – turns on origin website certificate fingerprint validation. The validator checks that the site certificate fingerprint from the authentication token matches with the provided site certificate SHA-256 fingerprint. This disables powerful man-in-the-middle attacks where attackers are able to issue falsified certificates for the origin, but also disables TLS proxy usage. Due to the technical limitations of web browsers, certificate fingerprint validation currently works only with Firefox. The provided certificate SHA-256 fingerprint should have the prefix urn:cert:sha-256: followed by the hexadecimal encoding of the hash value octets as specified in URN Namespace for Certificates. Certificate fingerprint validation is disabled by default.
  • withoutUserCertificateRevocationCheckWithOcsp() – turns off user certificate revocation check with OCSP. The OCSP URL is extracted from the user certificate AIA extension. OCSP check is enabled by default.
  • withOcspRequestTimeout(Duration ocspRequestTimeout) – sets both the connection and response timeout of user certificate revocation check OCSP requests. Default is 5 seconds.
  • withAllowedClientClockSkew(Duration allowedClockSkew) – sets the tolerated clock skew of the client computer when verifying the token expiration. Default value is 3 minutes.
  • withDisallowedCertificatePolicies(ASN1ObjectIdentifier... policies) – adds the given policies to the list of disallowed user certificate policies. In order for the user certificate to be considered valid, it must not contain any policies present in this list. Contains the Estonian Mobile-ID policies by default as it must not be possible to authenticate with a Mobile-ID certificate when an eID smart card is expected.
  • withNonceDisabledOcspUrls(URI... urls) – adds the given URLs to the list of OCSP URLs for which the nonce protocol extension will be disabled. Some OCSP services don't support the nonce extension. Contains the ESTEID-2015 OCSP URL by default.

Extended configuration example:

AuthTokenValidator validator = new AuthTokenValidatorBuilder()
    .withDisallowedCertificatePolicies(new ASN1ObjectIdentifier("1.2.3"))

Certificates' Authority Information Access (AIA) extension

It is assumed that the AIA extension that contains the certificates’ OCSP service location, is part of both the user and CA certificates. The AIA OCSP URL will be used to check the certificate revocation status with OCSP.

Note that there may be legal limitations to using AIA URLs during signing as there URLs provide different security and SLA guarantees than dedicated OCSP cervices. For digital signing, OCSP responder certificate validation is additionally needed. Using AIA URLs during authentication is sufficient, however.

Possible validation errors

The validate() method of AuthTokenValidator returns the validated user certificate object if validation is successful or throws an exception if validation fails. All exceptions that can occur during validation derive from TokenValidationException, the list of available exceptions is available here. Each exception file contains a documentation comment under which conditions the exception is thrown.

Nonce generation

The authentication protocol requires support for generating challenge nonces, large random numbers that can be used only once, and storing them for later use during token validation. The validation library uses the API as the secure random source and the JSR107 javax.cache.Cache API for storing issued challenge nonces.

The command line argument is added to pom.xml to avoid the risk of having the code blocked unexpectedly during random generation. Without this, the JVM uses /dev/random, which can block, to seed the SecureRandom class.

The authentication protocol requires a REST endpoint that issues challenge nonces as described in section 6. Add a REST endpoint for issuing challenge nonces.

Nonce usage is described in more detail in the Web eID system architecture document.

Basic usage

As described in section 3. Configure the nonce generator, the only mandatory configuration parameter of the nonce generator is the nonce cache.

The nonce cache instance is used to store the nonce expiry time using the nonce value as key. The values in the cache are used by the token validator as described in the section Authentication token validation > Basic usage that also contains recommendations for cache usage and configuration.

The nonce generator configuration and construction is described in more detail in section 3. Configure the nonce generator. Once the generator object has been constructed, it can be used for generating nonces as follows:

String nonce = nonceGenerator.generateAndStoreNonce();  

The generateAndStoreNonce() method both generates the nonce and stores it in the cache.

Extended configuration

The following additional configuration options are available in NonceGeneratorBuilder:

  • withNonceTtl(Duration duration) – overrides the default nonce time-to-live duration. When the time-to-live passes, the nonce is considered to be expired. Default nonce time-to-live is 5 minutes.
  • withSecureRandom(SecureRandom) - allows to specify a custom SecureRandom instance.

Extended configuration example:

NonceGenerator generator = new NonceGeneratorBuilder()  


Web eID authentication token validation library for Java







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