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ContainerSSH - Launch Containers on Demand

ContainerSSH Kubernetes Library

⚠⚠⚠ Deprecated: ⚠⚠⚠
This repository is deprecated in favor of libcontainerssh for ContainerSSH 0.5.

This library runs Kubernetes pods in integration with the sshserver library.

How this library works

When a client successfully performs an SSH handshake this library creates a Pod in the specified Kubernetes cluster. This pod will run the command specified in IdleCommand. When the user opens a session channel this library runs an exec command against this container, allowing multiple parallel session channels to work on the same Pod.

Using this library

As this library is designed to be used exclusively with the sshserver library the API to use it is also very closely aligned. This backend doesn't implement a full SSH backend, instead it implements a network connection handler. This handler can be instantiated using the kuberun.New() method:

handler, err := kuberun.New(

The parameters are as follows:

  • config is a struct of the kuberun.Config type.
  • connectionID is an opaque ID for the connection.
  • client is the net.TCPAddr of the client that connected.
  • logger is the logger from the log library
  • backendRequestsCounter and backendFailuresCounter are counters from the metrics library

Once the handler is created it will wait for a successful handshake:

sshConnection, err := handler.OnHandshakeSuccess("username-here")

This will launch a pod. Conversely, the handler.OnDisconnect() will destroy the pod.

The sshConnection can be used to create session channels and launch programs as described in the sshserver library.

Note: This library does not perform authentication. Instead, it will always sshserver.AuthResponseUnavailable.