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a: api
a: api
An issue/pull request that is related to api changes.
a: changelog critical
a: changelog critical
An issue/pull request which must be mentioned in the next changelog
a: deprecation
a: deprecation
An issue/pull request regarding deprecation of existing api.
in: common
in: common
An issue/pull request releated to the common module code
in: driver
in: driver
An issue/pull request releated to the driver module code
in: ext
in: ext
An issue/pull request releated to the ext module code
in: launcher
in: launcher
An issue/pull request releated to the common launcher code
in: module
in: module
An issue/pull request releated to one of the internal modules
in: node
in: node
An issue/pull request releated to the node module code
in: plugin inject
in: plugin inject
An issue/pull request releated to the plugin inject module code
in: plugin
in: plugin
An issue/pull request releated to one of the internal plugins
in: wrapper
in: wrapper
An issue/pull request releated to the wrapper module code
p: high
p: high
This issue or pull request has a high priority.
p: low
p: low
This issue or pull request has a low priority.
r: duplicate
r: duplicate
This issue or pull request already exists
r: out of scope
r: out of scope
The issue pull request is out of scope for CloudNet
r: seems invalid
r: seems invalid
The issue or pull request doesn't seem correct or addresses something which works as intended
r: stale
r: stale
The issue / pull request had no recent activity
r: wontfix
r: wontfix
This will not be worked on
s: accepted
s: accepted
The pull request is accepted and waits for a maintainer to merge it
s: already present
s: already present
The requested feature is already present in CloudNet
s: blocked
s: blocked
Please do not merge, the pull request is not ready yet / waiting for something which is required
s: confirmed
s: confirmed
The described bug was reported multiple times and/or is reproduceable
s: discussion
s: discussion
This pull request or issue needs further internal discussion before merging
s: more info needed
s: more info needed
More information is needed on the issue/pull request
s: needs testing
s: needs testing
The issue needs to be tested first to get more information
s: needs triage
s: needs triage
Issue waiting for triage
s: rebase
s: rebase
Force renovate to rebase a PR
s: stop updates
s: stop updates
Tells renovate to stop updating a PR
s: unlikely
s: unlikely
The issue or pull request is unlikely to be implemented