Probably the most simple and easy to use i18n library for Vue2 within 1kb
<script src=""></script>
npm install vue-simple-i18n
import vI18n from "vue-simple-i18n"
<div id="app">
<select v-model="v_locale">
<option v-for="(locale, key) in locales" :value="key">{{locale.__name__}}</option>
<input type="text" v-model="name">
import vI18n from "vue-simple-i18n"
const i18n = new vI18n({
base: "en-us", // The base fallback when specified language not exists, defaults to "en-us"
locale: "zh-cn", // Global language, defaults to browser language
locales: {
"en-us": {
__name__: "English", // Specify a display name for each language is highly recommended
welcome: "Welcome {{name}} to the Wonderland!" // Translation, default template supported is vue-like without expressions
"zh-cn": {
__name__: "简体中文",
welcome: "{{name}},欢迎来到幻境!"
} // Where you put all your translations
new Vue({
el: "#app",
data: {
name: "Yukino", // Value used by translation template
v_locale: i18n.locale, // Specify "v_locale" could change locale component-wide
locales: i18n.locales
computed:["welcome"]) // Map the translation!