VEBLEN is a language heavily under construction. If you've been redirected here, I would have probably asked you to provide commentary on the progress.
So far it is pretty easy to do so --- there aren't many stuff here yet! Just a bunch of formal declarations --- as in, imperative C structures.
VEBLEN.ebnf would be containing the grammar specs in EBNF notation.
Machine.h includes declarations about the machine (see: A Portable Implemenation Platform for non-strict Functional Programming Languages, Jansen et. al).
Rich.h includes Peyton Jones' enriched Lambda calculus declarations (see: University of London College, 1987).
Ord.h would include S-Expressions (note: It's for ordinary Lambda calc, VEBLEN itself is not LISP-like!)
Token.h contains token info.
Please have a look-see and let me know what you think so far?
Discord: .chubak
Email: chubakbidpaa [at] (gmail | riseup) [dot] net