Happy Ray Games LTD.
- Vancouver, BC, Canada
- http://chevyray.ca
- Pro
An experimental stackless Lua VM implemented in pure Rust
Umka: a statically typed embeddable scripting language
Build smaller, faster, and more secure desktop and mobile applications with a web frontend.
A Rust implementation of Glidesort, my stable adaptive quicksort/mergesort hybrid sorting algorithm.
GL on Whatever: a set of bindings to run GL anywhere and avoid target-specific code
Zero-overhead type-safe builder pattern `derive` macro for your Rust structs
The “Quite OK Image Format” for fast, lossless image compression
🐦 Friendly little instrumentation profiler for Rust 🦀
isgasho / crunch-rs
Forked from ChevyRay/crunch-rsA packer for cramming lots of rectangles into a larger one, designed primarily with sprite packing in mind. Written in Rust.
Easy flamegraphs for Rust projects and everything else, without Perl or pipes <3
"Small vector" optimization for Rust: store up to a small number of items on the stack
PNG decoding and encoding library in pure Rust
A collection of open source c/c libraries for gamedev
Use native dialogs with same code on Windows,Mac OSX and GTK
.NET Core library for dynamically loading code
The Wren Programming Language. Wren is a small, fast, class-based concurrent scripting language.