For reproducing toy 2D experiments in the paper, run
$ TASK="rings"; setting="CEP_alpha3"; seed=0; python3 -u --expid $TASK${seed}${setting} --env $TASK --diffusion_steps 15 --seed ${seed} --alpha 3 --method "CEP"
Checkpoints will be stored in the ./models
folder. Visualization scripts are provided in draw_toy.ipynb
. You can also download pretrained checkpoints from this url link (toy_model).
Installations of PyTorch, MuJoCo, and D4RL are needed.
To pretrain the behavior model, run
$ TASK="walker2d-medium-expert-v2"; seed=0; setting="reproduce"; python3 -u --expid $TASK${seed}${setting} --env $TASK --seed ${seed}
The pretrained behavior model will be stored in the ./models_rl/
. Once we have the pretrained checkpoint at /path/to/pretrained/ckpt.pth
(download url), we can train the critic model:
$ TASK="walker2d-medium-expert-v2"; seed=0; setting="reproduce"; python3 -u --actor_load_path /path/to/pretrained/ckpt.pth --expid $TASK${seed}${setting} --env $TASK --diffusion_steps 15 --seed ${seed} --alpha 3 --q_alpha 1 --method "CEP"