Welcome to Frequency Scheming for Tortoise Nuclear Weapon! This repository contains a Haskell implementation for frequency-based scheming. With this codebase, you can explore and manipulate frequencies and intervals efficiently.
- Frequency Manipulation: Easily manipulate frequencies and intervals.
- Histogram Creation: Create histograms from frequency data.
- Histogram Operations: Sort, remove duplicates, and merge histograms.
- Testing: Comprehensive QuickCheck testing for code reliability.
Explore the power of frequency scheming with Tortoise Nuclear Weapon!
To get started with Tortoise Nuclear Weapon, follow these installation steps:
$ git clone https://github.com/YourUsername/YourRepoName.git
$ cd YourRepoName
$ stack build
Problem 1: Inside Function
-- Checks if a frequency is inside an interval
inside :: Freq -> Interval -> Bool
Problem 2: Sorting and Manipulating Histograms
-- Sorts a histogram by interval
sortHistogram :: [(Interval, Count)] -> [(Interval, Count)]
-- Removes duplicate intervals from the histogram
nubHistogram :: [(Interval, Count)] -> [(Interval, Count)]
-- Creates a histogram from a list of interval-count pairs
histogram :: [(Interval, Count)] -> Histogram
Problem 3: Frequency Processing
-- Processes a list of Freq and generates a histogram
process :: [Freq] -> Histogram
-- Merges two histograms
merge :: Histogram -> Histogram -> Histogram
Get hands-on with these functions and start scheming your frequencies!
We welcome contributions! If you have any ideas, bug fixes, or improvements, please open an issue or submit a pull request.
Check out our Contribution Guidelines for more details.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.