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Speech Recognition Made Simple

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A few lines of code to do this!

Recognize your user's voice elegantly without having to figure out authorization and audio engines.


SwiftSpeech is a wrapper for Apple's Speech framework with deep SwiftUI and Combine integration.

  • UI control speech recognition functionality in just several lines of code.
  • SwiftUI style reactive APIs and Combine support.
  • Highly customizable but also keeping your code highly resuable via a composable structure.
  • Fully open low level APIs.


SwiftSpeech is available through Swift Package Manager. To use it, add a package dependency using URL:

Getting Started

1. Authorization

Although SwiftSpeech takes care of all the verbose stuff of authorization for you, you still have to state the usage descriptions and specify where you want the authorization process to happen before you start to use it.

Usage Descriptions in Info.plist

If you haven't, add these two rows in your Info.plist: NSSpeechRecognitionUsageDescription and NSMicrophoneUsageDescription.

These are the messages your users will see on their first use, in the alerts that ask them for permission to use speech recognition and to access the microphone.

Here's an exmample:

<string>This app uses speech recognition to convert your speech into text.</string>
<string>This app uses the mircrophone to record audio for speech recognition.</string>

One line of code to tackle authorization

In your SceneDelegate.swift, add .automaticEnvironmentForSpeechRecognition() after the initialization of your root view. Boom! That's it! One line of code!

func scene(_ scene: UIScene, willConnectTo session: UISceneSession, options connectionOptions: UIScene.ConnectionOptions) {
    let contentView = ContentView()
        .automaticEnvironmentForSpeechRecognition()  // Just add this line of code!

    if let windowScene = scene as? UIWindowScene {
        let window = UIWindow(windowScene: windowScene)
        window.rootViewController = UIHostingController(rootView: contentView)
        self.window = window

For more information, please refer to the documentation for automaticEnvironmentForSpeechRecognition() in Extensions.swift.

2. Try some demos

You can now start to try out some light-weight demos bundled with the framework using Xcode 11's new preview feature. In any of your previews, initialize one of the demo views:

static var previews: some View {

    // Two of the demo views below can take a `localeIdentifier: String` as an argument.
    // Example locale identifiers:
    // 简体中文(中国)= "zh_Hans_CN"
    // English (US) = "en_US"
    // 日本語(日本)= "ja_JP"
    // Try one of these at a time and have fun!
    SwiftSpeech.Demos.Basic(localeIdentifier: yourLocaleString)
    SwiftSpeech.Demos.List(localeIdentifier: yourLocaleString)

Open up the Canvas and resume the preview if needed. You should see what your demo looks like. Then, click on Preview on Device button to run the demo on your device. Hold on the blue circular button to speak and the recognition result will show up! 😉

Here are the "previews" of your previews:


3. Build it yourself

Knowing what this framework can do, you can now start to learn about the concepts in SwiftSpeech.

Inspect the source code of SwiftSpeech.Demos.Basic. The only new thing here is this:

SwiftSpeech.RecordButton()                       // 1. The View Component
    .swiftSpeechRecordOnHold(locale:animation:)  // 2. The Functional Component
    .onRecognize(update: $text)                  // 3. SwiftSpeech Modifier(s)

There are three parts here (and luckily, you can customize every one of them!):

  1. The View Component: A View that is only responsible for UI.
  2. The Functional Component: A component that provides the essential funtionality of speech recognition. The two arguments let you specify a locale (language) for recognition and an animation used when user interacts with the View Component.
  3. SwiftSpeech Modifier(s): One or more components allowing you to receive and manipulate the recognition results. They can be stacked together to create powerful effects.

For now, you can just use the built-in View Component and Functional Component. Let's explore some SwiftSpeech Modifiers first since every app handles its data differently:

Important: Chaining multiple or identical SwiftSpeech Modifiers together doesn't override any behavior. All actions of the modifiers will be excuted in the order where the closest to the Functional Component excutes first and the farest excutes last.

// 1
// `SwiftSpeech.Demos.Basic` & `SwiftSpeech.Demos.Colors` use these modifiers.
// Inspect the source code of them if you want examples!
.onRecognize(textHandler: (String) -> Void)
.onRecognize(update: Binding<String>)

The first kind of modifiers is the most straight forward and convenient. It does something when a new recognition result is yielded.

But frankly, this is more of a shortcut for playing/testing since many apps have to deal with some complicated underlying database and a simple Binding or closure is just not enough for it. And that's when the second set comes to rescue.

// 2
// `SwiftSpeech.Demos.List` uses these modifiers.
// Inspect the source code of it if you want examples!
.onStartRecording(appendAction: (SwiftSpeech.Session) -> Void)
.onStopRecording(appendAction: (SwiftSpeech.Session) -> Void)
.onCancelRecording(appendAction: (SwiftSpeech.Session) -> Void)

The second kind gives you utter control over the whole lifespan of a SwiftSpeech.Session. It runs the provided closures after a recording was started/stopped/cancelled. Inside the closures, you will have aceess to the corresponding SwiftSpeech.Session, which is discussed below.

// 3
// `SwiftSpeech.ViewModifiers.OnRecognize` uses these modifiers.
// Inspect the source code of it if you want examples!
.onStartRecording(sendSessionTo: Subject)
.onStopRecording(sendSessionTo: Subject)
.onCancelRecording(sendSessionTo: Subject)

The third kind might be useful if you prefer a reactive programming style. The only new argument here is a Combine.Subject (e.g. CurrentValueSubject and PassthroughSubject) and the modifier will send the corresponding SwiftSpeech.Session to the Subject after a recording is started/stopped/cancelled.


Inside SwiftSpeech's Session Handler

If you are filling in a (Session) -> Void handler provided by the framework, use the publishers provided by the Session to receive updates on recogniton results.

Currently, a Session has two publishers (you only need to subscribe to one of them): stringPublisher and resultPublisher.

stringPublisher directly emits the speech text recognized (By default, it will emit partial results, which means you may receive multiple events). You will receive a .finished completion event when the Session finishes processing the user's voice (i.e. sfSpeechRecognitionResult.isFinal == true), or you explicitly called the cancelRecording() method.

You can subscribe to stringPublisher in the following way:

    .sink { text in
        print("[SwiftSpeech]: \(text)")
    .store(in: &someCancelBag)

For resultPublisher, the subscribing process is similar, except that the type of the element it will emit is Result<SFSpeechRecognitionResult, Error> which encapsulates the entire partial result from the underlying SFSpeechRecognizer or the error it emits during recognition.

Independent Use

Here's an exmaple of using Session to recognize user's voice and receive updates.

let session = SwiftSpeech.Session(locale: .current)
try session.startRecording()
    .sink { text in
        // do something with the text
    .store(in: &cancelBag)

For more, please refer to the documentation of SwiftSpeech.Session.

Customized View Components

🚧 Documentation still in making... Give me a star to keep me motivated! For now, please refer to the source code of the demos provided by the framework for examples.

Customized Functional Components

🚧 Documentation still in making... Give me a star to keep me motivated! For now, please refer to the source code of the demos provided by the framework for examples.


SwiftSpeech is available under the MIT license.