Skulpt Python Kernel is the merging of Skulpt (a Python implementation that runs in the browser) with Project Jupyter (aka IPython). In addtion, it has an interface to ProcessingJS. Skulpt scripts are entered into a cell, where they run independently from other cells.
Because Skulpt Kernel uses MetaKernel, it has a fully-supported set of "magics"---meta-commands for additional functionality. A list of magics can be seen at MetaKernel Magics.
Skulpt Kernel in use:
You can install Skulpt Kernel with:
pip install --upgrade skulpt_python
or in the system kernels with:
sudo pip install --upgrade skulpt_python
Use it in the notebook with:
ipython notebook
and select Skulpt Python
as the kernel for a new notebook.
- ipython-3.0
- Python2 or Python3
- metakernel (installed with pip)
- calysto (installed with pip)
Skulpt Kernel supports:
- MetaKernel Magics
- processing
- turtle