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learning an entire web stack at once having never made a webpage from scratch. Go, templ, htmx, html, css, sqlite, and auth with JWT, all being used for the first time

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This repo is an extreme work in progress, it is NOT EVEN CLOSE TO FINISHED!!!!

This is my first attempt at making a webpage.

It is also my first time using go, htmx, sql, js, html, css, templ, authentication, routing, etc.

This program will be a tracker app for a friend's small catering/personal chef buisness when it is finished.

Mostly though, it is a way for me to learn web development as I have not done any before.

It is a single page application with a monolitic architecture, designed equally to be hosted as a web page, or as a completely offline local application viewed through a browser.

There will likely be some spaghetti that I will figure out how to handle better as I go.

I chose this stack because I want to mostly focus on back end, and also it is closest to the basics of web pages, something I did not know very well yet.

I felt it would be better to explore it at this level first before using a framework that obscures the pathing and requests.

Install and development building instructions


For now it is packaged for nix only so install nix package manager on linux, mac, or WSL, by following the instructions here

Then to build or run use

nix build github:BirdeeHub/FOOdBAR

or nix run github:BirdeeHub/FOOdBAR

or nix shell github:BirdeeHub/FOOdBAR

and to hack around with it with hot reload run the following 4 commands:

git clone
nix develop .
# then inside the shell:

Then go to localhost:42069 in a web browser

It may take some amount of time to build the first time due to having sqlite3 and templ to build.

nix takes longer to build than go on its own in general because it doesnt make use of the go caching, but the first time is much slower than the rest.

For installing, use a nix command or import it to a config

for messing around with it and rebuilding with any frequency, use the dev shell and air for regular compile speeds.


If you dont want to install nix, the following should work, and the air command might work.

Assuming you have go, templ, sqlite3, tailwindcss, and air installed already and in your PATH, run the following commands:

git clone
go mod tidy && templ generate && tailwindcss -o ./static/tailwind.css -c ./tailwind.config.js && go build -o bin/FOOdBAR main.go


git clone


It's FU'd Beyond Any Recognition

The FOOdBAR tracks the food in the FOOdb and tells you how much FOOd you have and sold and what it cost, and reminds you of recipes that fit those criteria best. Allowing you to cook more variety with less headache

I also missed the chance to put dreambird in the name so I technically do not own this repo.

Done so far:

setup go, htmx, templ, echo project

made it be buildable by nix, and included a dev shell

defined the basic api routes and templates needed for the tab skeleton

set up authentication via JWT and auth database

defined skeleton of runtime state type objects

defined part of the skeleton for the tabs themselves


make the tab flip to edit work nicely

expandable elements for tab items

Would be nice to have dynamic resizing with the mouse

infinite scroll for all list style tabs

write some damn tests

make it forced httpS

suggestion based on stock

sort recipe by category, dietary, ingredients, % ingredients in stock, (total ingredient price?)

generate prep list, and shopping list (accounts for current stock), the menu, and projected and actual portions ordered.

track what was bought and then used after the day to keep track of the total stock, as actual amounts may differ based on prices for different quantities at stores.

total workflow, 3 interaction stages. Generate menu, input orders and generate the lists, input actual stock bought and used to correct suggested values.

recipes will need category, dietary, ingredients, estimated cost, fields, ingredients should have an optional scaling factor for scaling recipes accurately

ingredients will need amounts in stock, time since purchased, storage method, (last queried price?)

when all data for stock and menu and orders have been finalized for the week, generate profit report, with option for adding extra incidental costs.


recipe entry should have completion for existing items in ingredients dietary, category, etc but not for name or instructions or amounts or prices.

shopping price search feature?


learning an entire web stack at once having never made a webpage from scratch. Go, templ, htmx, html, css, sqlite, and auth with JWT, all being used for the first time




