- Software Engineer Consultant at Xander Talent
- After many years working witin the immigration world, I decided to pursue a career in something I enjoy (programming). To commit to the pursuit of a new career, I enrolled into and graduated from Le Wagon Bootcamp in December 2022.
Homie: A web app made for mobile browsers allowing those in shared households, with sometimes disorganized shopping habits, track essential items. The project was made in approximately 10 days as a team of 4. Find the repo here and the project's site here.
TV/Book Club: Personal project to learn TDD using Ruby on Rails default testing environment, minitest. A web app to allow a group of friends to create combined book and tv clubs to track where each member is on the chosen show or book. Groups can then organise their meetups. Find the repo here.
Islands-R-Us: My first project full stack project, created as a team of 4 over 5 days. An Airbnb clone allowing users to view, create and book islands. Find the repo here.
Aside from projects, I also enjoy coding challenges. Here are my current CodeWars stats: