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This project contains samples demonstrating in writing consumer driven contracts using Pact framework

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Consumer Driven Contracts Using Pact Framework


Project Description
pact-contract-provider provider application
pact-contract-consumer consumer application

Compatability Matrix

choose the branch based on below maintained versions.

Branch/Version Spring Boot Pact Broker
master 2.2.6.RELEASE 4.0.10
v2.0 2.1.5.RELEASE 3.5.7
v1.0 1.5.7.RELEASE 3.5.7

Run Pact Broker

  • Start pact broker as docker containers
$ cd contract-pact-springboot
$ docker-compose up -d
  • View Pact broker url

pack broker view

Guide for Pact Consumer

Start with consumer first, As it is consumer driven contract framework.

  • Add below dependencies in pom.xml
  • Add pact jvm provider maven plugin
  • Write the consumer contract test
public class SaveInventoryConsumerTest{
    public PactProviderRule mockProvider = new PactProviderRule("inventory_provider","localhost", 8080, this);
    private RestTemplate restTemplate=new RestTemplate();

    @Pact(provider = "inventory_provider", consumer = "inventory_consumer")
    public RequestResponsePact createPact(PactDslWithProvider builder) {
        Map<String, String> headers = new HashMap<>();
        headers.put("Content-Type", MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE);

        PactDslJsonBody bodyResponse = new PactDslJsonBody()
                .stringValue("productName", "TV")
                 .stringType("locationName", "CHENNAI")               
                .integerType("quantity", 100);

        return builder
        		.given("create inventory").uponReceiving("a request to save inventory")


	public void testCreateInventoryConsumer() throws IOException {
		Inventory inventory=new Inventory("TV", "CHENNAI", 100);
    	HttpHeaders headers=new HttpHeaders();
    	HttpEntity<Object> request=new HttpEntity<Object>(inventory, headers);
    	System.out.println("MOCK provider URL" mockProvider.getUrl());
    	ResponseEntity<String> responseEntity=restTemplate.postForEntity(mockProvider.getUrl() "/api/inventory", request, String.class);
    	assertEquals((Integer)100, (Integer),"$.quantity"));

  • Run maven build to publish the pacts to the pact broker
cd pact-contract-consumer
mvn clean install pact:publish
  • Verify the pact broker with the contracts

pack broker view 1

pack broker view 2

pack broker view 3

Guide for Pact Provider

Now move on to provider side

  • Add the below dependencies in pom.xml
  • Add the pact provider test case

Test case to test against the pacts from the pact broker to test against the pacts from the pact broker

@SpringBootTest(classes=PactContractProviderApplication.class,properties={"",""},webEnvironment = SpringBootTest.WebEnvironment.DEFINED_PORT)
public class InventoryProviderTest {
	  private InventoryService inventoryService;

	  public final Target target = new HttpTarget(9050);
	  @State(value="create inventory")
	  public void createInventoryState() throws Exception{

	      Inventory inventory=new Inventory("TV", "CHENNAI", 100);
	      when(inventoryService.saveInventory(any(Inventory.class))).thenReturn(inventory) ;
  • Run maven build at the provider side
cd pact-contract-provider
mvn clean install  -Dpact.verifier.publishResults=true
mvn test -Dpact.verifier.publishResults=true

pack broker verficiation result


  1. Using @PactBroker(host="localhost",port="8500") to define the pact broker host and port.
  2. Using SpringRestPactRunner to load the spring container using @SpringBootTest.
  3. Starting the application server using the line new HttpTarget(9050).
  4. Mentioning Pact broker url and Pact directory is key to generate pacts at the consumer side.


This project contains samples demonstrating in writing consumer driven contracts using Pact framework







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