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Make Markdown Ready to Present.

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moffee is an open-source slide maker that transforms markdown documents into clean, professional slide decks.

  • moffee handles layout, pagination, and styling, so you can focus on your content.
  • There's little to learn. moffee uses simple syntax to arrange and style content to your liking.
  • A live web interface updates slides as you type, allowing you to start a slideshow or export it to PDF.

An Example

Click to expand input markdown document (29 lines)
# moffee
## Make markdown ready to present

## Why moffee?

- **80/20 Rule**[^1]: Creating slides can be time-consuming, often requiring 80% of the effort for just 20% of the outcome.
- `moffee` transforms markdown into professional presentations effortlessly.
    - Use simple markdown syntax.
    - Enjoy out-of-the-box paging and styling.
    - Easily arrange text and images.


## Showcasing
### Style with Markdown

==Markdown== is all you need! Elements like $tex$ and `code` are rendered with elegant style.

!!! note
    moffee automatically breaks pages and chooses titles based on context.

### Media Layout

One of moffee's strengths is using dividers to organize text and images effectively.


- Use `---` to trigger page breaks.
- Use `<->` to arrange elements horizontally.
- Use `===` to split elements vertically.

moffee automatically adjusts element sizes to accommodate large blocks of text or complex illustrations.


![blue coffee](coffee.png)

moffee example PDF

Or you can use other built-in themes:

default beam robo
default theme beam theme robo theme
blue gaia
blue theme gaia theme


moffee is written in Python and is recommended to install with pipx. See our documentation for step-by-step instructions.

pipx install moffee
# or `pip install moffee`

Preview slides in a live web server or export to HTML:

moffee live # launch a server
# or
moffee make -o output_html/ # export to HTML


To start, write in standard markdown. moffee supports most extended syntax found in Obsidian Flavored Markdown. See the syntax documentation for more details.

# Markdown Title
Use **bold** and *italic* for emphasis.

- Extended syntax like ~~strikethroughs~~ is supported.

To create a new slide, begin a new heading:

## Page 1
Some text

## Page 2
This sentence will appear on the second slide.

Alternatively, use --- to manually trigger a new slide:

## Page 1
Text on the first slide
Text on the next slide.

You'll notice the second slide shares the Page 1 title. moffee selects the most suitable title for each slide.

In addition to ---, moffee supports <-> and === for in-slide layout. Use <-> to separate elements horizontally:

Text on the left.
![Image on the right](

=== places elements vertically and takes precedence over <->. Use them together for flexible layouts:

Top bun
Patty on the left
Lettuce on the right
Bottom bun

Options and Styles

Front matter is used to define moffee's behavior. Here are some common used options. Refer to Configuration for the full list.

theme: default # Other availble themes are "beam", "robo", "blue" and "gaia"
layout: content # HTML template. Use "centered" for centered alignment.
resource_dir: "." # Relative URLs are based on this directory.
aspect_ratio: "16:9" # Aspect ratio of the slides

Any CSS property can be set in the front matter. For example, set a dark gray background for all slides:

layout: content
background-color: darkgray
color: white

moffee also supports local style decorators with the syntax @(property=value). Use these within the document to set attributes for specific slides:

# A refined landing page
Our journey begins here
@(layout=content, background-image='url("")')


Find moffee helpful? star are the best motivation to keep me improving. So thank you! ;)

To submit bug/feature requests/PR, please see


MIT License © 2024 Wenbo Pan