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Armoria API

API for Armoria — procedural heraldry generator and editor.

The API allows to GET random or predefined vector and raster heraldic images of a given size in a given format. It also allows to assign a specific coat of arms to a seed value (so called claiming).

API is hosted on Heroku. Please contact me directly if you want to use this API.

example1 example2 example3 example4 example5

Try it:

Remove seed to generate a random coat or arms:

Basic usage


Basic usage is to request coat of arms generation with URL parameters:

  • format: svg | png | default: svg

Armoria generates all images in svg by default. But as there are cases where svg cannot be used, the tool can convert images to png. Raster images quality depends on size, but relatively big images may be slow to get. There can be conversion issues, so svg is always preferable.

  • size: number | default: 500

Size in pixels. Can be any number set as 200 or 200px. For svg it just sets width and height, raster images are getting actually rescaled and size defines their quality.

  • seed: string | optional

Seed is a string (i.e. 123 is considered as "123") that defines procedural coat of arms generation. The same string will produce the same coat of arms irrespective of size and image format. This statement is only valid if generation code remains the same, so seed must not be used as a saving method.

If seed is not provided, the tool generates random 9-digits value. Omit seed parameter if you want to get random coat of arms for each request.

Seed is getting parsed to lower case, so Azgaar will produce the same image as azgaar. A few symbols are not supported and getting automatically replaced by underscore (#, ', ).

Query attributes

The same parameters (format, size, seed) can be used as query attributes. In this case parameters are not required:

Attributes that are supported only in query format are coa, shield and colors.

  • coa: string | supersedes seed
    • t1: field tincture or pattern (fur)
    • division: object with division, t and line attributes
    • ordinaries: array with ordinary, t, line and size attributes
    • charges: array with charge, t, p, size, sinister and reversed attributes

API can skip procedural generation and render specific coat of arms (coa). Attribute accepts json object encoded for URL usage.

To get coa string open Armoria GUI, edit coat of arms as you want and then click on SaveCopy COA string. It will copy coa string to your clipboard.

  • shield: string | default: random

Armoria supports >40 shield shapes. Any ot them can be used via API if exact names is passed as shield attribute. Available shapes:

heater | spanish | french | horsehead | horsehead2 | polish | hessen | swiss | boeotian | roman | kite | oldFrench | renaissance | baroque | targe | targe2 | pavise | wedged | round | oval | vesicaPiscis | square | diamond | no | flag | pennon | guidon | banner | dovetail | gonfalon | pennant | fantasy1 | fantasy2 | fantasy3 | fantasy4 | fantasy5 | noldor | gondor | easterling | erebor | ironHills | urukHai | moriaOrc

Custom colors

Armoria has 10 tinctures (colors) available by default:

Tincture Type Represents Chance Color
argent metal silver ~25% argent #fafafa
or metal gold ~16% or #ffe066
gules colour red ~17% gules #d7374a
sable colour black ~14% sable #333333
azure colour blue ~14% azure #377cd7
vert colour green ~7% vert #26c061
purpure colour purple ~13% purpure #522d5b
murrey stain mulberry ~1% murrey #85185b
sanguine stain blood red ~1% sanguine #b63a3a
tenné stain tawny ~1% tenné #cc7f19

It is possible to use custom tinctures or redefine default colors using query attributes.

Exact color can be set as a part of coa attribute. You can replace tincture name with color hex code, e.g. turn {"t1": "azure"} into hurting-eyes blue with {"t1": "#0000ff"}. URL must be encoded, so the link would be like{"t1":"#0000ff"}.

The resulting link is not readable, so you can also define colors using specific attributes for each of them like Hash symbol must be dropped.


A specific coat of arms can be assigned to a value. In this case every time this seed (name) is requested, the same claimed coat of arms will be displayed. Assignment is stored in MongoDB Atlas with set (claim), update (reclaim) and delete (unclaim) operations allowed.

This functional can be used to set up a specific heraldic image for your name, country, city or any other word. Claims can be password-protected. For real objects like countries we are planning to set up coat of arms that resemble real ones. Admin users (Discord community members) have rights to update or delete claims it they found them inappropriate.


  • name: string | non-numerical

Name is a string to be associated with a specific coat of arms, not the one auto-generated by the tool. Once assigned, name works as seed in its basic usage. Numerical names like 123 are assigned foe procedural generation and cannot be claimed. Name is getting parsed the same way as seed, so Armoria API will be parsed to armoria_api.

  • coa: string

Coat of arms object encoded for URL usage. Co copy it open Armoria GUI, edit coat of arms as you want and then click on SaveCopy COA string. See in details above.

  • key: string | optional

User-defined password. If omitted, no password will be set and anyone will be able to change or delete the claim. Password accepts any string. Please make sure you save it locally as there is no way to restore the key if you forget it.


Raclaim updates the record in the database. If the current claim is password-protected, key value should be set. If not, it will accept any value or no value.


Unclaim removes the record from the database. For unclaim you need name and key (if was set on claim), but coa is not required.


Coat of arms generated for seed 123456789, rendered in svg, size is 400px:

Coat of arms generated for seed Armortown, rendered in png, size is 800px:

Random coat of arms in png, size 200px:

Coat of arms manually created in Armoria GUI, default format (svg) and size (500px):{"t1":"semy_of_lozengePloye-sable-argent-small","division":{"division":"perPale","line":"straight","t":"semy_of_mullet4-sable-argent-small"},"ordinaries":[{"ordinary":"mount","t":"azure"}],"charges":[{"charge":"lymphad","t":"or","p":"e","size":1.7}]}

Coat of arms manually created in Armoria GUI, rendered in png with size 200px:{"t1":"semy_of_lozengePloye-sable-argent-small","division":{"division":"perPale","line":"straight","t":"semy_of_mullet4-sable-argent-small"},"ordinaries":[{"ordinary":"mount","t":"azure"}],"charges":[{"charge":"lymphad","t":"or","p":"e","size":1.7}]}&format=png&size=200

Claim or reclaim name test (no password protection):{"t1":"gules","charges":[{"charge":"fusil","t":"argent","p":"e","size":1.5}],"shield":"heater"}

Claim or reclaim name test2 with password secret123:{"t1":"ermine-sable-or","division":{"division":"chevronny","t":"argent"},"shield":"spanish"}/secret123

Unclaim name test2 using password secret123:


The code is distributed under MIT.

Simple svg shapes and charges are self-made and available under CC0. Complex charges are historical, svg renders are coming from WappenWiki and available for non-commercial use under CC3. Source info is added to svg files. All images are manually optimized by me.