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John60676 committed Jun 2, 2023
1 parent 69b242d commit 7c0e285
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All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See [standard-version]( for commit guidelines.

### [2.0.2]( (2023-06-02)

### Refactor

- Convert optional chaining syntax [#199]( ([f1c79fb](

### [2.0.1]( (2023-06-01)

## Changelog

- Use `vue-demi` to be compatible with Vue 2 #38
- Added custom cache `getCache`, `setCache`, and `clearCache`.
- When caching is enabled, requests with the same `cacheKey` will be cached and reused.
- Added `runAsync` and `refreshAsync`, which return a `Promise`.
- Added `definePlugin` to extend the functionality of useRequest through plugins.
- In throttle/debounce mode, `runAsync` can be used to return a normal `Promise`.
- Added `useRequestProvider` hooks to inject options configuration.
- Added `refreshDepsAction` option to customize the behavior after `refreshDeps` is triggered.
- `refreshDepsAction` will also be triggered by changes in `refreshDeps` when `manual=true`.
- Added `loadingKeep`.
- **Removed the integrated request library and `service` no longer supports strings or objects.** [Migration Guide](#1)
- **Removed `formatResult`.** [Migration Guide](#2)
- **Removed `queryKey`, i.e., parallel mode is removed** [Migration Guide](#3)
- **`run` no longer returns a `Promise`** [Migration Guide](#5)
- **When a request fails, `data` is no longer cleared** #82
- **Modified the logic of `ready`** [Migration Guide](#4)
- **`ready` now supports passing a function that returns a Boolean value** #166
- **`data` and `error` changed to `shallowRef`**
- **`usePagination` removed `reload` method and `reloading`. If needed, they can be implemented separately.**
- **Removed `RequestConfig` component** [Migration Guide](#6)
- **Refactored `useLoadMore`, see details for specific API** [API Description](#useloadmore-api)
- **`cacheKey` can now be passed a function: `cacheKey: (params?: P) => string`**
useRequest(getUser, {
cacheKey: (params?: P): string => {
// When initialized, `params` will be undefined, so we need to manually check and return an empty string
if (params) {
return `user-key-${params[0].name}`;
return '';
- Some `options` support reactivity, as shown below:

type ReactivityOptions = {
loadingDelay: number | Ref<number>;
loadingKeep: number | Ref<number>;
pollingInterval: number | Ref<number>;
debounceInterval: number | Ref<number>;
debounceOptions: DebounceOptions | Reactive<DebounceOptions>;
throttleInterval: number | Ref<number>;
throttleOptions: ThrottleOptions | Reactive<ThrottleOptions>;
refreshOnWindowFocus: boolean | Ref<boolean>;
refocusTimespan: number | Ref<number>;
errorRetryCount: number | Ref<number>;
errorRetryInterval: number | Ref<number>;

- **`refreshDeps` now supports passing a function that returns a value, a ref, a reactive object, or an array of any of these types.** #166

## Migration Guide

1. `service` no longer supports strings or objects. Users are expected to wrap their requests using other third-party libraries (such as `axios`) and provide a `Promise` as the `service` function. <a name="1"></a>

const getUser = userName => {
return axios.get('api/user', {
params: {
name: userName,
useRequest(getUser, options);

2. `formatResult` has been removed. Users are expected to format the final data in their `service` function. <a name="2"></a>

const getUser = async () => {
const results = await axios.get('api/user');
// Format the final data here

3. `queryKey` has been removed, which means parallel mode is no longer supported. Users are expected to encapsulate each request action and UI into a component instead of putting all requests in the parent component. <a name="3"></a>

4. Changes to the `ready` logic <a name="4"></a>

- When `manual=false`, every time `ready` changes from `false` to `true`, a request will be automatically triggered with the `options.defaultParams` parameter.
- When `manual=true`, a request cannot be made as long as `ready` is `false`.

5. `run` no longer returns a `Promise`. Use `runAsync` instead of the original `run` function. <a name="5"></a>

6. Users can wrap `useRequest` with `useRequestProvider` themselves. <a name="6"></a>

## useLoadMore API

### Options

| Name | Description | Type |
| --- | --- | --- |
| manual | When set to `true`, you need to manually trigger `loadMore` or `loadMoreAsync` to make a request. The default value is `false`. | `boolean` |
| ready | When `manual=false`, every time `ready` changes from `false` to `true`, `refresh` will be automatically triggered. When `manual=true`, a request cannot be made as long as `ready` is `false`. | `Ref<boolean> \| () => boolean` |
| refreshDeps | Automatically trigger `refresh` when changed. If `refreshDepsAction` is set, `refreshDepsAction` will be triggered. | `WatchSource<any> \| WatchSource<any>[]` |
| refreshDepsAction | Triggered when `refreshDeps` changes. | `() => void` |
| debounceInterval | Process the request with a debounce strategy. | `number \| Ref<number>` |
| debounceOptions | Debounce parameters. | `{leading: false, maxWait: undefined, trailing: true}` |
| throttleInterval | Process the request with a throttle strategy. | `number \| Ref<number>` |
| throttleOptions | Throttle parameters. | `{leading: false, trailing: true}` |
| errorRetryCount | The number of error retries when an error occurs. | `number \| Ref<number>` |
| errorRetryInterval | The interval between error retries when an error occurs. | `number \| Ref<number>` |
| isNoMore | Determines whether there is more data. | `(data?: R) => boolean` |
| onBefore | Triggered before `service` is executed. | `() => void` |
| onAfter | Triggered when `service` is completed. | `() => void` |
| onSuccess | Triggered when `service` is resolved. | `(data: R) => void` |
| onError | Triggered when `service` is rejected. | `(error: Error) => void` |

### Result

| Name | Description | Type |
| --- | --- | --- |
| data | The data returned by `service`, which must include an array `list`, of type `{ list: any[], ...other }`. | `Ref<R>` |
| dataList | The `list` array of `data`. | `Ref<R['list']>` |
| loading | Whether a request is in progress. | `Ref<boolean>` |
| loadingMore | Whether more data is being loaded. | `Ref<boolean>` |
| noMore | Whether there is more data, which needs to be used with `options.isNoMore`. | `Ref<boolean>` |
| error | The error returned by `service`. | `Error` |
| loadMore | Load more data, automatically capture exceptions, and handle them through `options.onError`. | `() => void` |
| loadMoreAsync | Load more data, return `Promise`, and handle errors on your own. | `() => Promise<R>` |
| refresh | Refresh and load the first page of data, automatically capture exceptions, and handle them through `options.onError`. | `() => void` |
| refreshAsync | Refresh and load the first page of data, return `Promise`, and handle errors on your own. | `() => Promise<R>` |
| mutate | Directly modify the result of `data`. | `(arg: (oldData: R) => R) => void \| (newData: R) => void` |
| cancel | Cancel the request. | `() => void` |

### [1.2.4]( (2022-01-21)

### Refactor
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137 changes: 137 additions & 0 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -2,6 2,143 @@

All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See [standard-version]( for commit guidelines.

### [2.0.2]( (2023-06-02)

### Refactor

- 添加 可选链语法 的转换 [#199]( ([f1c79fb](

### [2.0.1]( (2023-06-01)

## 变更列表

- 使用 `vue-demi` 兼容 vue2 #38
- 新增自定义缓存 `getCache``setCache``clearCache`
- 开启缓存的情况下,设置了相同 `cacheKey` 的请求将会被缓存和复用。
- 新增 `runAsync``refreshAsync`,将返回 `Promise`
- 新增 `definePlugin`,可以通过插件来扩展 useRequest 的功能。
- 节流/防抖模式下可以使用 `runAsync` 返回正常的 `Promise`
- 新增 `useRequestProvider` hooks,用于注入 options 配置。
- 新增 `refreshDepsAction` 选项,用于自定义 `refreshDeps` 触发后的行为。
- `refreshDepsAction``manual=true` 时,也会被 `refreshDeps` 的改变而触发。
- 新增 `loadingKeep`
- **移除 内部集成请求库,`service` 不再支持字符或对象。** [迁移帮助](#1)
- **移除 `formatResult`** [迁移帮助](#2)
- **移除 `queryKey`,即移除了并行模式** [迁移帮助](#3)
- **`run` 不再返回 `Promise`** [迁移帮助](#5)
- **请求出错时,`data` 不再会被清空**#82
- **修改 `ready` 的逻辑** [迁移帮助](#4)
- **`ready` 支持传入一个返回布尔值的函数** #166
- **`data``error` 改为 `shallowRef`**
- **`usePagination` 移除了 `reload` 方法和 `reloading`。如需要对应的需求,可自行实现。**
- **移除了 `RequestConfig` 组件** [迁移帮助](#6)
- **重构了`useLoadMore`,具体 API 可查看详情** [API 说明](#useloadmore-api)
- **`cacheKey` 支持传入函数: `cacheKey: (params?: P) => string`**
cacheKey: (params?:P):string => {
<!-- 初始化时,params 会为 undefined,需要手动判断并返回一个空字符串 -->
return `user-key-${params[0].name}`
return ''
- 部分`options` 支持响应式,如下所示

type ReactivityOptions = {
loadingDelay: number | Ref<number>;
loadingKeep: number | Ref<number>;
pollingInterval: number | Ref<number>;
debounceInterval: number | Ref<number>;
debounceOptions: DebounceOptions | Reactive<DebounceOptions>;
throttleInterval: number | Ref<number>;
throttleOptions: ThrottleOptions | Reactive<ThrottleOptions>;
refreshOnWindowFocus: boolean | Ref<boolean>;
refocusTimespan: number | Ref<number>;
errorRetryCount: number | Ref<number>;
errorRetryInterval: number | Ref<number>;

- **`refreshDeps`支持传入 一个函数,返回一个值 、是一个 ref 、一个响应式对象 或是由以上类型的值组成的数组** #166

## 迁移帮助

1. `service` 不再支持字符或对象。期望用户可以根据其他第三方请求库进行封装(如 `axios`),只要提供 `Promise` 即可 <a name="1"></a>

const getUser = userName => {
return axios.get('api/user', {
params: {
name: userName,
useRequest(getUser, options);

2. 移除 `formatResult`。期望用户自行在 `service` 中返回最终格式的数据。 <a name="2"></a>

const getUser = async () => {
const results = await axios.get('api/user');
// 在此处处理最终的数据

3. 移除 `queryKey`,即移除了并行模式。期望将每个请求动作和 UI 封装为一个组件,而不是把所有请求都放到父级。 <a name="3"></a>

4. 修改 `ready` 的逻辑 <a name="4" /></a>

-`manual=false` 时,每次 `ready``false` 变为 `true` 时,都会自动发起请求,会带上参数 `options.defaultParams`
-`manual=true` 时,只要 `ready``false`,则无法发起请求。

5. `run` 不再返回 `Promise`。直接用 `runAsync` 替代原本的 `run`。 <a name="5" /></a>
6. 可自行通过 `useRequestProvider` 封装 。<a name="6" /></a>

## useLoadMore API

### Options

| 参数 | 说明 | 类型 |
| --- | --- | --- |
| manual | 当设置为 `true` 时,你需要手动触发 `loadMore` 或者 `loadMoreAsync` 才会发起请求。默认为 `false` | `boolean` |
| ready |`manual=false` 时,每次 `ready``false` 变为 `true` 时,都会自动触发 `refresh`。当 `manual=true` 时,只要 `ready``false`,则无法发起请求。 | `Ref<boolean> \| () => boolean` |
| refreshDeps | 改变后自动触发 `refresh`,如果设置了 `refreshDepsAction` 则触发 `refreshDepsAction` | `WatchSource<any> \| WatchSource<any>[]` |
| refreshDepsAction | `refreshDeps`改变后触发 | `() => void` |
| debounceInterval | 以防抖策略处理请求 | `number \| Ref<number>` |
| debounceOptions | 防抖参数 | `{leading: false, maxWait: undefined, trailing: true}` |
| throttleInterval | 以节流策略处理请求 | `number \| Ref<number>` |
| throttleOptions | 节流参数 | `{leading: false, trailing: true}` |
| errorRetryCount | 发生错误时的错误重试次数 | `number \| Ref<number>` |
| errorRetryInterval | 发生错误时的错误重试间隔时间 | `number \| Ref<number>` |
| isNoMore | 判断是否还有更多数据 | `(data?: R) => boolean` |
| onBefore | service 执行前触发 | `() => void` |
| onAfter | service 执行完成时触发 | `() => void` |
| onSuccess | service resolve 时触发 | `(data: R) => void` |
| onError | service reject 时触发 | `(error: Error) => void` |

### Result

| 参数 | 说明 | 类型 |
| --- | --- | --- |
| data | service 返回的数据,必须包含 `list` 数组,类型为 `{ list: any[], ...other }` | `Ref<R>` |
| dataList | `data``list` 数组 | `Ref<R['list']>` |
| loading | 是否正在进行请求 | `Ref<boolean>` |
| loadingMore | 是否正在加载更多 | `Ref<boolean>` |
| noMore | 是否有更多数据,需要配合 `options.isNoMore` 使用 | `Ref<boolean>` |
| error | service 返回的错误 | `Error` |
| loadMore | 加载更多数据,会自动捕获异常,通过 `options.onError` 处理 | `() => void` |
| loadMoreAsync | 加载更多数据,返回 `Promise`,需要自行处理错误 | `() => Promise<R>` |
| refresh | 刷新加载第一页数据,会自动捕获异常,通过 `options.onError` 处理 | `() => void` |
| refreshAsync | 刷新加载第一页数据,返回 `Promise`,需要自行处理错误 | `() => Promise<R>` |
| mutate | 直接修改 `data` 的结果 | `(arg: (oldData: R) => R) => void \| (newData: R) => void` |
| cancel | 取消请求 | `() => void` |

### [1.2.4]( (2022-01-21)

### Refactor
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