Miner-ui is an UI development based on ccminer. This version is for miners community who want the fastest and the simple interface. Check out the new miner-ui to mine the most profitable cryptocurrency with your GPU.
- Install:
а) Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 (do not forget to install C in Programming Languages, because it’s not installed by default)
b) Windows 8.1 SDK
c) CUDA 9.1
d) Qt5 (choose for compiler msvc 2015 х64)
e) Cmake
f) ccminer
- Add to PATH variable of the environment by the analogy with the following paths:
а) C:\Users\user\Downloads\ccminer-x64-2.2.4-cuda9
b) C:\Program Files\NVIDIA GPU Computing Toolkit\CUDA\v9.1\bin
CMakeLists.txt file to the corresponding for your OS
- Open cmake.
As a source code choose cmake_cuda project directory.
As a directory for build choose build folder inside the project
Press Configure and choose MSVC 2015, win64. Press OK button
Press Generate
Choose in CMake @Open Project@
Choose Release, x64.
Create the project build - ALL_BUILD
Copy the following files from an analogous folder - C:\Qt\5.10.1\msvc2015_64\bin to the
folder - cmake_cuda/build/Release
а) Qt5Core.dll
b) Qt5Gui.dll
c) Qt5Widgets.dll
- Done. Now you can run - build/Release/particle_test.exe