The core is deprecated and now (2023) unsupported!
Please use ATTinyCore instead!
For up to date micronucleus bootloaders see here.
Available as Arduino Board Manager entry "Digistump AVR Boards" using the Board Manager URL:
New micronucleus bootloader and binary version 2.6 with info function.
First version without MH-ET LIVE Tiny88(16.0MHz) support, since it is now supported by ATTinyCore.
It is not planned to add MH-ET LIVE Tiny88 support in the future.
Another great core for ATtinies with ongoing support is the ATTinyCore of Spence Konde, which currently added micronucleus support. Use the Board Manager URL: for it.
- To shrink generated code size by 5 to 15 percent (depending on your code) the lto flag was added in
. To help finding code which consumes the flash, the generating of disassembler and memory map files are added. For Arduino IDE you will find these files in C:\Users<Name>\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino_build_. - To reflect the smaller bootloader size of micronucleus version 2.5 which allow 6586 instead of 6012 bytes ( 11%) the upload.maximum_size entry was changed in
. - Since the original gcc version does not support the lto flag, the compiler path was changed to the latest Arduino gcc (7.3.0-atmel3.6.1-arduino5) in the
- Added
in some pins_arduino.h. - Added
#define __FlashStringHelper fstr_t
in Print.h. - Updated broken extensa links for
in package_digistump_index.json. - Included most pull requests done after the 1.6.7 release like
in platform.txt and EEPROM library. - Added recipe to update booltloader by Arduino IDE.
- Removed the non trusted post_install.bat since Arduino code states:
// Set main and bundled indexes as trusted
=> all others are untrusted. - Extended
library with 22 keyboard layouts from Teensyduino Core Library, fixed bugs, documented and improved it. Here it is documented how the mapping works, so now you can fix wrong mappings by your own (but please give me feedback to include the fix). - Fixed and extended a growing number of examples.
To get all the benefits, just replace the old Digispark board URL (e.g. in Arduino File/Preferences) by the new and install the Digistump AVR Boards version 1.7.2 or later.
- Download this repo.
- Create a directory C:\Users\AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages\digistump\hardware\avr\1.7.x and extract the to it.
- Create a directory C:\Users\AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages\digistump\tools\micronucleus\2.5 and extract the tools\ to it.
- Extract the file package_digistump_index.json to *C:\Users\AppData\Local\Arduino15*.
As reference you may look at your C:\Users\AppData\Local\Arduino\packages directory to see how other packages are installed.
For Windows you must install the Digispark driver before you can program the board.
if you have the Digistump AVR Boards already installed, then the driver is located in %UserProfile%\AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages\digistump\tools\micronucleus\2.5\Digistump_Drivers
. Just execute the Install_Digistump_Drivers.bat
Or download it here, open it and run InstallDrivers.exe
Different bootloader configurations are available here.
To update your old, flash consuming bootloader, you have 2 choices.
Use the new Digistump board manager URL ( above), choose a bootloader with Tools > Micronucleus variant and then burn it with Tools > Burn Bootloader.
Run one of the Windows scripts like e.g. the 0_Upgrade-t85_recommended.cmd. The internal mechanism is described here.
You may also test the t85_agressive bootloader, a configuration overwiew is available here. It works for my boards but the USB timing is not guaranteed as stable as in the other configurations.
The meaning of fuses can be seen with the Engbedded Atmel AVR� Fuse Calculator. Windows helper scripts for setting fuses can be found here.
The default fuses for a Digispark board are:
- ATtiny85 Lfuse: 0xE1 - (digispark default) PLL Clock Startup 64 ms
- ATtiny85 Hfuse: 0xDD - External Reset pin enabled (Pin5 not usable as I/O) BOD 2.7 V Enable Serial Program and Data Downloading
- ATtiny85 Efuse: 0xFE - self programming enabled.
BOD enabled requires additional 20 �A in sleep state and therefore may be not desirable for low power battery applications. To disable BOD, use 0xDF as Hfuse.
The default fuses for a Digispark Pro board are:
- ATtiny167 Lfuse: 0xFF - External crystal osc. Frequency 8-16 MHz Startup 65 ms
- ATtiny167 Hfuse: 0xDC - External Reset pin enabled BOD 4.3Volt Enable Serial Program and Data Downloading
- ATtiny167 Efuse: 0xFE - self programming enabled.
This can only be done by means of a High Voltage programmer.
You require 16.5 MHz only if your appliction uses the V-USB library, i.e. if it acts as an USB devive like mouse, keyboard etc.
In all other cases it is recommended to use the standard CPU frequencies of 16, 8, 1 MHz. This is the frequency the CPU is running after the bootloader part, which must run with 16.5 MHz!
Information about reducing power consumption can be found here and here.
RESET/ADC0 (D5) PB5 1| |8 VCC
USB- ADC3 (D3) PB3 2| |7 PB2 (D2) INT0/ADC1 - default TX Debug output for ATtinySerialOut
USB ADC2 (D4) PB4 3| |6 PB1 (D1) MISO/DO/AIN1/OC0B/OC1A/PCINT1 - (Digispark) LED
GND 4| |5 PB0 (D0) OC0A/AIN0
USB and USB- are each connected to a 3.3 volt Zener to GND and with a 68 ohm series resistor to the ATtiny pin.
On boards with a micro USB connector, the series resistor is 22 ohm instead of 68 ohm.
USB- has a 1.5k pullup resistor to indicate a low-speed device.
USB and USB- are each terminated on the host side with 15k to 25k pull-down resistors.
Digital Pin numbers in parenthesis are for ATTinyCore library
RX 6 (D0) PA0 1| |20 PB0 (D8) 0 OC1AU
TX 7 (D1) PA1 2| |19 PB1 (D9) 1 OC1BU - (Digispark) LED
8 (D2) PA2 3| |18 PB2 (D10) 2 OC1AV
INT1 9 (D3) PA3 4| |17 PB3 (D11) 4 OC1BV USB-
AVCC 5| |16 GND
AGND 6| |15 VCC
10 (D4) PA4 7| |14 PB4 (D12) XTAL1
11 (D5) PA5 8| |13 PB5 (D13) XTAL2
12 (D6) PA6 9| |12 PB6 (D14) 3 INT0 USB
5 (D7) PA7 10| |11 PB7 (D15) RESET
USB and USB- are each connected to a 3.3 volt Zener to GND and with a 51 ohm series resistor to the ATtiny pin.
USB- has a 1k5 pullup resistor to indicate a low-speed device.
USB and USB- are each terminated on the host side with 15k to 25k pull-down resistors.
Digital Pin numbers in parenthesis are for ATTinyCore library
PA2 15| |14 PB7
PA3 16| |13 PB5 SCK
D17 PA0 A6| |12 PB4 MISO
D18 PA1 A7| |11 PB3 MOSI
(D17) D19 PC0 A0| |10 PB2 OC1B/PWM SS
(D18) D20 PC1 A1| |9 PB1 OC1A/PWM
(D19) D21 PC2 A2| |8 PB0
(D20) D22 PC3 A3| |7 PD7 RX
SDA (D21) D23 PC4 A4| |6 PD6 TX
SCL (D22) D24 PC5 A5| |5 PD5
(D23) PC7 25| |4 PD4
LED PD0 0| |5V
USB- PD1 1| |GND
USB and USB- are each connected to a 3.3 volt Zener to GND and with a 68 ohm series resistor to the ATtiny pin.
USB- has a 1k0 pullup resistor to indicate a low-speed device.
USB and USB- are each terminated on the host side with 15k to 25k pull-down resistors.
Pins not available: PB6 is CLOCK_IN, PC7 is 25
The Arduino ESP8266 core available with supports the Digistump Oak board now, better use that.
- Fixed bug #52 - pinMode(Pin,INPUT) does not disable internal pullup.
- New micronucleus bootloader and binary version 2.6 with info function.
- First version without MH-ET LIVE Tiny88(16.0MHz) support, since it is now supported by ATTinyCore.
- Last version with MH-ET LIVE Tiny88(16.0MHz) support, since it is now supported by ATTinyCore.
- Improved bootloaders.
- Added Attiny support to usbconfig.h.
- Added
Burn Bootloader Method
like in ATTinyCore. - Removed digistump-sam from repo.
- ISR_NOBLOCK in millis interrupt only active for 16.5 MHz setting.
- Improved DigiKeboard.h and keylayouts.h.
- Updated examples and added warnings for CDC examples.
- Version to force update of all 1.7.1 changes.
- New micronucleus binaries for all platforms.
- Bootloaders with updated MCUSR handling.
- Support of the cheap Chinese MH-ET LIVE Tiny88(16.0MHz) board with ATTinyCore.
- Corrected wrong mouse buttons PR#2.
- Updated
to make use of menus. Therefore some board names changed likedigispark-tiny1
etc. - Set
to factory default instead of using a rule of thumb, which was not reliable. - Added linker flag
. This reduces code size at least for ATtiny167.
- The original Digistump version with
and changedupload.maximum_size
for micronucleus bootloader 2.5. - Added
definition in pins_arduino.h. - Added
#define __FlashStringHelper fstr_t
in tiny/Print.h. - Updated broken extensa links for
in package_digistump_index.json. - Included most pull requests done after the 1.6.7 release like
in platform.txt and EEPROM library. - Added recipe to update bootloader by Arduino IDE.
- Changed message for BIN redefined in Print.h and it can be suppressed by commenting out #define SUPPRESS_BIN_WARNING in line 39 in Print.h.
- Commented out the annoying
#define true 0x1
and#define false 0x0
in wiring.h. - Removed unnecessary files like .gitignore.
- Added
#define TwoWire USI_TWI
in Wire.h. - Changed
#include <avr/delay.h>
to#include <util/delay.h>
in 3 files. - Included Multi-Keyboard Layout MOD.
- Redefining BIN to 2 for print. BIN can not longer be used as bit position (7) for the x5 ADC "Bipolar Input Mode".
- Enabled all warnings at compile time and removed compiler warnings in tiny core.
- Modified definition for yield() in WProgram.h to avoid error "undefined reference to `yield()'".
- Enabled compiler.cpp.extra_flags.
Please write me a PM including your motivation/problem if you need a modification or an extension.