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{"Apple___Apple_scab": {"name": "Apple Scab", "symptoms": "Symptoms of Apple scab include velvety, olive-green to black spots on leaves and/or fruit. Severely affected leaves may become distorted and drop early. Infected fruit may have scabby spots, which can lead to fruit deformation and premature drop.", "management": "To manage Apple scab, prune infected twigs, rake and destroy fallen leaves, and apply fungicides according to the manufacturer's instructions."}, "Apple___Black_rot": {"name": "Black Rot", "symptoms": "Black rot typically appears as circular lesions on leaves, expanding to the entire leaf and causing it to die. On fruit, it starts as firm, circular, brown lesions that later develop concentric rings and become sunken. Infected fruit may shrivel and mummify on the tree.", "management": "Management of Black rot includes pruning infected twigs, proper sanitation to remove fallen leaves and fruit mummies, and applying fungicides."}, "Apple___Cedar_apple_rust": {"name": "Cedar Apple Rust", "symptoms": "Cedar apple rust causes yellow spots on leaves that later develop into orange or red-brown lesions. On fruit, it forms brownish spots with small black dots. In severe cases, leaves may drop prematurely.", "management": "To manage Cedar apple rust, remove nearby cedar or juniper trees, prune infected branches, and apply fungicides."}, "Apple___healthy": {"name": "Healthy Apple", "symptoms": "Healthy apple plants show no signs of disease.", "management": "Maintain good cultural practices such as proper irrigation, fertilization, and pruning."}, "Blueberry___healthy": {"name": "Healthy Blueberry", "symptoms": "Healthy blueberry plants show no signs of disease.", "management": "Maintain good cultural practices such as proper irrigation, fertilization, and pruning."}, "Cherry_(including_sour)___Powdery_mildew": {"name": "Powdery Mildew", "symptoms": "Powdery mildew appears as white powdery spots on leaves, shoots, flowers, and fruit. Leaves may become distorted or yellow and drop prematurely. Severe infections can cause defoliation and reduce fruit quality.", "management": "To manage Powdery mildew, prune infected branches, improve air circulation, and apply fungicides."}, "Cherry_(including_sour)___healthy": {"name": "Healthy Cherry", "symptoms": "Healthy cherry plants show no signs of disease.", "management": "Maintain good cultural practices such as proper irrigation, fertilization, and pruning."}, "Corn_(maize)___Cercospora_leaf_spot Gray_leaf_spot": {"name": "Cercospora Leaf Spot (Gray Leaf Spot)", "symptoms": "Cercospora leaf spot (Gray leaf spot) appears as small, tan to brown lesions with yellowish margins on leaves. Lesions may merge and cause significant leaf blighting. Severe infections can lead to premature leaf death and reduced yield.", "management": "To manage Cercospora leaf spot, rotate crops, practice proper sanitation, and apply fungicides."}, "Corn_(maize)___Common_rust_": {"name": "Common Rust", "symptoms": "Common rust appears as small, circular to elongated pustules that rupture to release powdery orange spores. Leaves may become chlorotic and eventually die if infection is severe.", "management": "To manage Common rust, plant resistant varieties, practice crop rotation, and apply fungicides preventatively."}, "Corn_(maize)___Northern_Leaf_Blight": {"name": "Northern Leaf Blight", "symptoms": "Northern leaf blight appears as cigar-shaped lesions with wavy edges on leaves. Lesions may merge and cause significant leaf blighting. Severe infections can lead to premature leaf death and reduced yield.", "management": "To manage Northern leaf blight, rotate crops, practice proper sanitation, and apply fungicides preventatively."}, "Corn_(maize)___healthy": {"name": "Healthy Corn", "symptoms": "Healthy corn plants show no signs of disease.", "management": "Maintain good cultural practices such as proper irrigation, fertilization, and weed control."}, "Grape___Black_rot": {"name": "Black Rot", "symptoms": "Black rot typically appears as circular, tan to brown lesions with dark margins on leaves. Lesions may expand and cause significant leaf blighting. On fruit, it forms circular, sunken lesions with black dots (pycnidia). Infected berries shrivel and mummify on the vine.", "management": "To manage Black rot, prune infected shoots, improve air circulation, and apply fungicides."}, "Grape___Esca_(Black_Measles)": {"name": "Esca (Black Measles)", "symptoms": "Esca appears as yellowing or bronzing of leaves, often accompanied by dark streaks. Black streaks may also occur in the vascular tissue. Infected vines may exhibit dieback of shoots and fruit clusters.", "management": "Management of Esca includes pruning infected wood, trunk surgery, and applying protective fungicides."}, "Grape___Leaf_blight_(Isariopsis_Leaf_Spot)": {"name": "Leaf Blight (Isariopsis Leaf Spot)", "symptoms": "Leaf blight appears as small, angular, reddish-brown lesions on leaves. Lesions may merge and cause significant leaf blighting. Severely affected leaves may drop prematurely.", "management": "To manage Leaf blight, prune infected shoots, improve air circulation, and apply fungicides preventatively."}, "Grape___healthy": {"name": "Healthy Grape", "symptoms": "Healthy grapevines show no signs of disease.", "management": "Maintain good cultural practices such as proper irrigation, fertilization, and pruning."}, "Orange___Haunglongbing_(Citrus_greening)": {"name": "Haunglongbing (Citrus Greening)", "symptoms": "Symptoms of Huanglongbing (Citrus greening) include yellow shoots, asymmetrical blotchy mottling on leaves, and stunted, poorly colored fruit with aborted seeds. Infected trees may exhibit premature fruit drop and dieback of branches.", "management": "Management of Huanglongbing includes removal of infected trees, controlling insect vectors, and cultural practices to promote tree health."}, "Peach___Bacterial_spot": {"name": "Bacterial Spot", "symptoms": "Bacterial spot appears as water-soaked lesions on leaves, which later turn brown and may become necrotic. Lesions on fruit are similar but may have a raised, corky texture. Severe infections can lead to defoliation and reduced fruit quality.", "management": "To manage Bacterial spot, prune infected branches, improve air circulation, and apply copper-based fungicides."}, "Peach___healthy": {"name": "Healthy Peach", "symptoms": "Healthy peach trees show no signs of disease.", "management": "Maintain good cultural practices such as proper irrigation, fertilization, and pruning."}, "Pepper,_bell___Bacterial_spot": {"name": "Bacterial Spot", "symptoms": "Bacterial spot appears as water-soaked lesions on leaves, which later turn brown and may become necrotic. Lesions on fruit are similar but may have a raised, corky texture. Severe infections can lead to defoliation and reduced fruit quality.", "management": "To manage Bacterial spot, prune infected branches, improve air circulation, and apply copper-based fungicides."}, "Pepper,_bell___healthy": {"name": "Healthy Bell Pepper", "symptoms": "Healthy bell pepper plants show no signs of disease.", "management": "Maintain good cultural practices such as proper irrigation, fertilization, and pruning."}, "Potato___Early_blight": {"name": "Early Blight", "symptoms": "Early blight appears as small, dark brown lesions with concentric rings on leaves. Lesions may enlarge and cause significant leaf blighting. Severe infections can lead to defoliation and reduced yield.", "management": "To manage Early blight, remove infected leaves, improve air circulation, and apply fungicides preventatively."}, "Potato___Late_blight": {"name": "Late Blight", "symptoms": "Late blight appears as water-soaked lesions on leaves, which later become dark brown to black and necrotic. Under moist conditions, fuzzy white growth may appear on the underside of leaves. Infected tubers may have irregular, dark lesions with a granular appearance.", "management": "To manage Late blight, remove infected leaves, improve air circulation, and apply fungicides preventatively."}, "Potato___healthy": {"name": "Healthy Potato", "symptoms": "Healthy potato plants show no signs of disease.", "management": "Maintain good cultural practices such as proper irrigation, fertilization, and hilling."}, "Raspberry___healthy": {"name": "Healthy Raspberry", "symptoms": "Healthy raspberry plants show no signs of disease.", "management": "Maintain good cultural practices such as proper irrigation, fertilization, and pruning."}, "Soybean___healthy": {"name": "Healthy Soybean", "symptoms": "Healthy soybean plants show no signs of disease.", "management": "Maintain good cultural practices such as proper irrigation, fertilization, and weed control."}, "Squash___Powdery_mildew": {"name": "Powdery Mildew", "symptoms": "Powdery mildew appears as white powdery spots on leaves, shoots, and fruit. Leaves may become distorted or yellow and drop prematurely. Severe infections can cause defoliation and reduce fruit quality.", "management": "To manage Powdery mildew, prune infected branches, improve air circulation, and apply fungicides."}, "Strawberry___Leaf_scorch": {"name": "Leaf Scorch", "symptoms": "Leaf scorch appears as brown or black lesions on leaves, which may eventually dry out and become brittle. Severely affected leaves may drop prematurely.", "management": "To manage Leaf scorch, prune infected leaves, improve air circulation, and apply fungicides preventatively."}, "Strawberry___healthy": {"name": "Healthy Strawberry", "symptoms": "Healthy strawberry plants show no signs of disease.", "management": "Maintain good cultural practices such as proper irrigation, fertilization, and pruning."}, "Tomato___Bacterial_spot": {"name": "Bacterial Spot", "symptoms": "Bacterial spot appears as water-soaked lesions on leaves, which later turn brown and may become necrotic. Lesions on fruit are similar but may have a raised, corky texture. Severe infections can lead to defoliation and reduced fruit quality.", "management": "To manage Bacterial spot, prune infected branches, improve air circulation, and apply copper-based fungicides."}, "Tomato___Early_blight": {"name": "Early Blight", "symptoms": "Early blight appears as small, dark brown lesions with concentric rings on leaves. Lesions may enlarge and cause significant leaf blighting. Severe infections can lead to defoliation and reduced yield.", "management": "To manage Early blight, remove infected leaves, improve air circulation, and apply fungicides preventatively."}, "Tomato___Late_blight": {"name": "Late Blight", "symptoms": "Late blight appears as water-soaked lesions on leaves, which later become dark brown to black and necrotic. Under moist conditions, fuzzy white growth may appear on the underside of leaves. Infected fruit may have irregular, dark lesions with a granular appearance.", "management": "To manage Late blight, remove infected leaves, improve air circulation, and apply fungicides preventatively."}, "Tomato___Leaf_Mold": {"name": "Leaf Mold", "symptoms": "Leaf mold appears as yellowing or browning of leaves, often accompanied by fuzzy, white or gray mold growth on the underside of leaves. Severely affected leaves may drop prematurely.", "management": "To manage Leaf mold, prune infected leaves, improve air circulation, and apply fungicides preventatively."}, "Tomato___Septoria_leaf_spot": {"name": "Septoria Leaf Spot", "symptoms": "Septoria leaf spot appears as small, circular lesions with dark margins on leaves. Lesions may merge and cause significant leaf blighting. Severely affected leaves may drop prematurely.", "management": "To manage Septoria leaf spot, prune infected leaves, improve air circulation, and apply fungicides preventatively."}, "Tomato___Spider_mites Two-spotted_spider_mite": {"name": "Spider Mites (Two-spotted Spider Mite)", "symptoms": "Spider mites cause stippling, yellowing, and bronzing of leaves. Fine webbing may be visible on the undersides of leaves. Severe infestations can lead to defoliation and reduced yield.", "management": "To manage Spider mites, use insecticidal soap or oil, introduce predatory mites, and practice proper sanitation."}, "Tomato___Target_Spot": {"name": "Target Spot", "symptoms": "Target spot appears as dark brown to black lesions with concentric rings on leaves. Lesions may enlarge and cause significant leaf blighting. Severely affected leaves may drop prematurely.", "management": "To manage Target spot, prune infected leaves, improve air circulation, and apply fungicides preventatively."}, "Tomato___Tomato_Yellow_Leaf_Curl_Virus": {"name": "Tomato Yellow Leaf Curl Virus", "symptoms": "Symptoms of Tomato yellow leaf curl virus include yellowing and curling of leaves, stunted growth, and distorted fruit. Infected plants may exhibit reduced yield or die prematurely.", "management": "Management of Tomato yellow leaf curl virus includes removing infected plants, controlling insect vectors, and using resistant varieties where available."}, "Tomato___Tomato_mosaic_virus": {"name": "Tomato Mosaic Virus", "symptoms": "Symptoms of Tomato mosaic virus include mottled or streaked yellowing of leaves, stunted growth, and reduced yield. Infected fruit may have irregular, green streaks or spots.", "management": "Management of Tomato mosaic virus includes removing infected plants, controlling insect vectors, and using virus-free seed."}, "Tomato___healthy": {"name": "Healthy Tomato", "symptoms": "Healthy tomato plants show no signs of disease.", "management": "Maintain good cultural practices such as proper irrigation, fertilization, and pruning."}}