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Rhino Showcase - Olympic History Map

This app is built with Rhino. You can see a deployed version here: Rhino Showcase Demo. It is meant to be a showcase of the its features and a place for code/configuration which is not used often enough to be added to the package itself.


This is an application built in Shiny. To run it, make sure you have R (>= 4.0.0) installed. For JavaScript and Sass development you'll also need Node.js (>= 16.0.0).


Run renv::restore(clean = TRUE) to synchronize the project library with the lockfile when you initially clone the repo or switch branches.


Application-ready data is included in app/data. However, if you want to generate this data from raw sources, run source("./scripts/generate_data.R")


To run the app, use Rscript -e 'shiny::runApp(launch.browser = TRUE)'.


You can use the RStudio GUI to deploy the app to RStudio Connect or You only need to include the following files: .Rprofile, dependencies.R, app.R, and app/ directory.


The application can also be packaged as a Docker container using rocker/shiny as a base image.

To build the image locally, execute:

docker build --tag rhino-showcase .

To run the container, execute:

docker run --rm -it -p 3838:3838 rhino-showcase

The application should be available under localhost:3838 on your local workstation.


This project uses renv to manage R package dependencies. To add/remove packages, edit the dependencies.R file and run the following commands:

renv::install() # Install added packages
renv::snapshot() # Update the lockfile
renv::restore(clean = TRUE) # Uninstall removed packages