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Correctness of normalization-by-evaluation for STLC

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module Readme where

Full correctness proof of normalization-by-evaluation for simply typed
lambda calculus.

This repository has been checked with Agda 2.5.3.

I have written an MSc thesis from this, you can find it as "thesis.pdf" here.

See the "master" branch for a more elegant but somewhat less approachable formalization.

See the "prod-coprod" branch for an extended formalization with finite products and finite weak coproducts.

We use function extensionality, but no Axiom K, other postulates,
holes or unsafe pragmas.

-- Order in which you probably want to view modules

open import Syntax
open import Embedding
open import NormalForm
open import Substitution
open import Conversion

open import Normalization
open import Completeness

open import PresheafRefinement
open import Soundness
open import Stability

-- Main results

open import Lib

normalization : ∀ {Γ A} → Tm Γ A → Nf Γ A
normalization = nf

stability : ∀ {Γ A}(n : Nf Γ A) → nf ⌜ n ⌝Nf ≡ n
stability = stable

soundness : ∀ {Γ A}{t t' : Tm Γ A} → t ~ t' → nf t ≡ nf t'
soundness = sound

completeness : ∀ {Γ A}(t : Tm Γ A) → t ~ ⌜ nf t ⌝Nf
completeness = complete

decidableConversion : ∀ {Γ A}(t t' : Tm Γ A) → Dec (t ~ t')
decidableConversion t t' with Nf≡? (nf t) (nf t')
... | inj₁ p = inj₁ (complete t ~◾ coe ((λ x → ⌜ x ⌝Nf ~ t') & p ⁻¹) (complete t' ~⁻¹))
... | inj₂ p = inj₂ (λ q → p (sound q))


Correctness of normalization-by-evaluation for STLC






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