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A collection of Spark related information, solutions, debugging tips and tricks, etc. PR are always welcome! Share what you know about Apache Spark.


Spark executor memory(Reference Link)

spark-submit --verbose(Reference Link)

  • Always add --verbose options on spark-submit to print the following information:
    • All default properties.
    • Command line options.
    • Settings from spark conf file.

Spark Executor on YARN(Reference Link)

Following is the memory relation config on YARN:

  • YARN container size - yarn.nodemanager.resource.memory-mb.
  • Memory Overhead - spark.yarn.executor.memoryOverhead.

  • An example on how to set up Yarn and launch spark jobs to use a specific numbers of executors (Reference Link)


Tune the shuffle partitions

  • Tune the numbers of spark.sql.shuffle.partitions.

Avoid using jets3t 1.9(Reference Link)

  • It's a jar default on Hadoop 2.0.
  • Inexplicably terrible performance.

Use reduceBykey() instead of groupByKey()

  • reduceByKey

  • groupByKey

GC policy(Reference Link)

  • G1GC is a new feature that you can use.
  • Used by -XX: UseG1GC.

Join a large Table with a small table(Reference Link)

  • By default it's using ShuffledHashJoin, the problem here is that all the data of big ones will be shuffled.
  • Use BroadcasthashJoin:
    • It will broadcast the small one to all workers.
    • Set spark.sql.autoBroadcastJoinThreshold.

Use forEachPartition

  • If your task involves a large setup time, use forEachPartition instead.
  • For example: DB connection, Remote Call, etc.

Data Serialization

  • The default Java Serialization is too slow.
  • Use Kyro:
    • conf.set("spark.serializer", "org.apache.spark.serializer.KryoSerializer");

Solutions No space left on device

  • The /tmp is probably full, check spark.local.dir in spark-conf.default.
  • How to fix it?
    • Mount more disk space:
      spark.local.dir /data/disk1/tmp,/data/disk2/tmp,/data/disk3/tmp,/data/disk4/tmp

java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded(ref)

  • Too much GC time, you can check that on Spark metrics.
  • How to fix it?
    • Increase executor heap size by --executor-memory.
    • Increase
    • Change GC policy(ex: use G1GC).

shutting down ActorSystem [sparkDriver] java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space(ref)

  • OOM on Spark driver.
  • This usually happens when you fetch a huge data to driver(client).
  • Spark SQL and Streaming is a typical workload which needs large heap on driver
  • How to fix?
    • Increase --driver-memory.


  • Compiled okay, but got error on run-time.
  • How to fix it?
    • Use --jars to upload and place on the classpath of your application.
    • Use --packages to include comma-sparated list of Maven coordinates of JARs.
      EX: --packages
      This example will add a jar of gson to both executor and driver classpath.

Serialization stack error

  • Error message:
    Exception in thread "main" org.apache.spark.SparkException: Job aborted due to stage failure: Task 0.0 in stage 0.0 (TID 0) had a not serializable result: com.spark.demo.MyClass Serialization stack:
    • Object is not serializable (class: com.spark.demo.MyClass, value: com.spark.demo.MyClass@6951e281)
    • Element of array (index: 0)
    • Array (class [Ljava.lang.Object;, size 6)
  • How to fix it?
    • Make com.spark.demo.MyClass to implement spark-assembly.jar does not exist

  • How to fix it?
  1. Upload Spark-assembly.jar to Hadoop.
  2. Set spark.yarn.jar, there are two ways to configure it:
    • Add --conf spark.yarn.jar when launching spark-submit.
    • Set spark.yarn.jar on SparkConf in your spark driver. Resource spark-assembly.jar changed on src filesystem (Reference Link)

  • Spark-assembly.jar exists in HDFS, but still get assembly jar changed error.
  • How to fix it?
  1. Upload Spark-assembly.jar to Hadoop.
  2. Set spark.yarn.jar, there are two ways to configure it:
    • Add --conf spark.yarn.jar when launching spark-submit.
    • Set spark.yarn.jar on SparkConf in your spark driver.

How to find the size of dataframe in Spark

  • In Java, you can use org.apache.spark.util.SizeEstimator.
  • In Pyspark, one way to do it is to persist the dataframe to disk, then go to the SparkUI Storage tab and see the size.


A stack overflow for Apache Spark






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