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This is one of the 42 cursus core curriculum projects. Here, we implemented a shell program like bash in C. Our program handles command history, path-based executable searching and launching, redirections and pipes, environment variable expansion, handling of control characters, and several built-in commands like cd, echo, env, exit, export, pwd, unset.

Prerequisites (This is only tested on OS X)

  1. You need to install readline first to run. brew install readline
  2. Find installed readline.h in homebrew directory and add #include <stdio.h> inside the header file.
  3. Specify the path of readline header file and archive in Makefile.
# Makefile

NAME		=	minishell
RDLDIR		=	/opt/homebrew/Cellar/readline/8.2.13 # change this path
LIBS		=	$(LFTDIR)/libft.a $(DLLDIR)/libdll.a $(GNLDIR)/libgnl.a -lreadline -L$(RDLDIR)/lib # link archive
INCS		=	-I $(LFTDIR) -I $(DLLDIR) -I $(GNLDIR) -I $(INCDIR) -I$(RDLDIR)/include # header
SRCS		=	$(SRCDIR)/main.c \
				$(ENVPDIR)/envp.c \
				$(ENVPDIR)/envp_util.c \
  1. For OS X Sonoma users, the default path of ar would've been set to the one in homebrew. Please specify the path of ar to /usr/bin/ar in Makefiles of libraries/dllist, libraries/libft, libraries/get_next_line. Otherwise you'll encounter mach -o errors.
# libraries/dllist/Makefile

NAME = libdll.a
AR = /usr/bin/ar # here
ARFLAGS = -rcs

How to run

git clone
cd ./42_Minishell

BNF Grammar

We have implemented our parser from this BNF grammar below, which is Recursive Descent Parser.

program	    :	expression
expression  :   simple_command
		| expression '|' simple_command
simple_cmd  : 	cmd_prefix cmd_word cmd_suffix
		| cmd_prefix cmd_word
		| cmd_prefix
		| cmd_word cmd_suffix
		| cmd_word
cmd_word    :	WORD
cmd_prefix  :	io_redirect
		| cmd_prefix io_redirect
cmd_suffix  :	io_redirect
		| cmd_suffix io_redirect
		| WORD
		| cmd_suffix WORD
io_redirect :	io_file
		| io_here
io_file  	: '<' filename
		| '>' filename
		| '>>' filename
filename    :	WORD
io_here     :	'<<' here_end
here_end	: WORD


Oh My Minishell






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