WebGL Multiplayer game with NodeJS backend
Compile .NET assemblies to TypeScript and JavaScript
a clone of the UnityEngine.dll - so you can write and test scripts outside of unity
Using Scrapy to get company profiles from
Experimental, scalable, high performance HTTP server
Ultra-portable, high performance, open source multimedia framework.
A vscode extension to provide better vertical alignment
A simple SDL2 audio library without SDL_Mixer for playing music and multiple sounds natively in SDL2
RTCMultiConnection is a WebRTC JavaScript library for peer-to-peer applications (screen sharing, audio/video conferencing, file sharing, media streaming etc.)
LazyLoad is a lightweight, flexible script that speeds up your website by deferring the loading of your below-the-fold images, backgrounds, videos, iframes and scripts to when they will enter the v…
A library of generic data structures for the C language.
Simple and portable (but not inflexible) GUI library in C that uses the native GUI technologies of each platform it supports.
Old repo for Xenko Game Engine. Please use instead.
digital ocean api typescript/javascript wrapper
A javascript finite state machine library
Unity C# reference source code.
Reverse engineering WhatsApp Web.
BunnyJS - Lightweight native (vanilla) JavaScript (JS) and ECMAScript 6 (ES6) browser library, package of small stand-alone components without dependencies: FormData, upload, image preview, HTML5 v…
A light-weight, no-dependency, vanilla JavaScript engine to drive user's focus across the page
A dependency-free JavaScript ES6 slider and carousel. It’s lightweight, flexible and fast. Designed to slide. No less, no more
An audio effects library for the Web Audio API.
A graph node engine and editor written in Javascript similar to PD or UDK Blueprints, comes with its own editor in HTML5 Canvas2D. The engine can run client side or server side using Node. It allow…
A WebGL 3D Engine library with component-based node hierarchy. Used by WebGLStudio