A javascript node library to report lambda timing using IOT Agent
An AppDynamics Controller.
An AppDynamics IOT API Key.
A step by step to quick get up and running
- add appdynamics lib to your lambda
npm install git+https://github.com/Appdynamics/IOT-Node-Wrapper-for-Lambda.git
- Import AppAgent.ts Transaction at top of each handler function
import { AppAgent } from "@appdynamicsnodelambda/nodelambda/appdynamics/AppAgent"
- Initialize the AppAgent at end of your handler by passing in the handler function
import { AppAgent } from "@appdynamicsnodelambda/nodelambda/appdynamics/AppAgent"
var myhandler = (event: any, context: any, callback: any) => {
callback(null, "success");
myhandler = AppAgent.init(myhandler, {
lambdaHeaders: {
export { myhandler }
- Add the following enivronment/stage variable in lambda
set value to "true" to enable the agent or "false" to disable the agent
- Add the following enivronment/stage variable in lambda
set value to the appKey for your installation
*Note these can be set at environement or stageVariable level. The environment Variable takes precedence.
export interface AppConfig {
/*App Key to IOT Application in AppDynamics*/
appKey?: string;
/*Optional key that will look at the event.headers for a uniqueid. If none given, datetime.now() is used as a uniquekey */
uniqueIDHeader?: string;
/*String of which log level reporting to be done*/
loglevel?: string;
/*Map of header key to data type to look for in event.headers*/
/*Map of header key to data type to look for in request.headers*/
/*Map of header key to data type to look for in resp.headers*/
/*Map of property to data type to look for in event*/
/*Map of parameter to data type to look for in aws services*/
Valid DataTypes should match this typing:
export enum DataType {
STRING = "string",
DATETIME = "datetime",
BOOLEAN = "boolean",
DOUBLE = "double"
import { AppAgent } from "@appdynamicsnodelambda/nodelambda/appdynamics/AppAgent"
import { DataType } from "@appdynamicsnodelambda/nodelambda/appdynamics/index";
var handler = (event: any, context: any, callback: any) => {
callback(null, "success");
handler = AppAgent.init(handler, {
eventData: {
lambdaHeaders: {
"DateTimeKey": DataType.DATETIME,
"TestBool": DataType.BOOLEAN
responseHeaders: {
export { handler }
Custom Properties can be sent at a transactional level. The function takes an object that contains dictionaries for each of the different data types.
stringProperties?: StringMap;
booleanProperties?: BooleanMap;
doubleProperties?: NumberMap;
datetimeProperties?: NumberMap;
stringProperties: object A map of the string properties of this event. There cannot be more than 16 string properties per event. Entry keys have a max length of 24 characters. Entry values have a max length of 128 characters. Entry keys cannot contain the pipe character "|". Valid Examples: { "username": "john.doe" }
booleanProperties: object A map of the boolean properties of this event. There cannot be more than 16 boolean properties per event. Entry keys have a max length of 24 characters. Entry keys cannot contain the pipe character "|". Valid Examples: { "error": false }
doubleProperties: object A map of the double properties of this event. There cannot be more than 16 double properties per event. Entry keys have a max length of 24 characters. Entry keys cannot contain the pipe character "|". Valid Examples: { "Fahrenheit": 98.2 }
datetimeProperties: object A map of the datetime properties of this event, in millisecond epoch time. There cannot be more than 16 datetime properties per event. Entry keys have a max length of 24 characters. Entry keys cannot contain the pipe character "|". Valid Examples: { "bootTime": 1487119625012 }
Example usage:
import { AppAgent } from "@appdynamicsnodelambda/nodelambda/appdynamics/AppAgent"
var handler = (event: any, context: any, callback: any) => {
stringProperties: { "MyProperty": "MyStringValue"}
callback(null, "success");
handler = AppAgent.init(handler);
export { handler }
APPDYNAMICS_LOGLEVEL can be added at the environment or stage level to enable logging
- Michael Sickles - Initial work - [email protected]