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🧱 Ban subnets using Windows Firewall rules after they make enough incorrect login attempts, as indicated by Windows Event Log records.


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Fail2Ban4Win logo Fail2Ban4Win

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Fail2Ban4Win is a background service that temporarily blocks IP ranges in Windows Firewall when enough authentication errors appear in Event Log in a given time period for those IP ranges.

You can customize the duration of the ban, the type of Event Log events to detect, and other options. The example configuration file will set Fail2Ban4Win to ban a /24 subnet for 24 hours after 10 failures to authenticate to either Remote Desktop Services or sshd.

  1. Behavior
  2. Requirements
  3. Installation
    1. New installation
    2. Upgrade
  4. Configuration
    1. Handling a new event
  5. Running
  6. Monitoring
  7. Acknowledgments


  1. Fail2Ban4Win runs in the background as a Windows service.
  2. Configuration comes from a JSON file in the installation directory.
  3. Fail2Ban4Win listens for Event Log events from various logs and event IDs.
  4. When a matching event is created, Fail2Ban4Win extracts the client's IP address from the event data. The IP address is aggregated into a /24 subnet IP range.
  5. Fail2Ban4Win keeps track of how many times each subnet has triggered auth failures over the last 24 hours.
  6. When a given subnet has failed to authenticate 10 times in the last 24 hours, a Windows Firewall rule is created to block incoming traffic from that subnet on all ports.
  7. After being banned for 1 day, the firewall rule is deleted and the subnet is allowed to fail 10 more times before being banned a second time.
  8. Each time a subnet is repeatedly banned, the ban duration increases by 1 day, up to a maximum of a 4 day ban, after which each subsequent ban will always be 4 days.
  9. When Fail2Ban4Win restarts, it deletes all firewall rules it created and starts from scratch. This allows it to fail open and avoids persisting the failure history.

You can customize most of the above specifics.


  • Windows 7 or later, or Windows Server 2008 R2 or later
  • .NET Framework 4.7.2 or later
  • Use Windows Firewall, as opposed to a third-party firewall solution


New installation

  1. Download the latest release ZIP file (
  2. Extract the contents of the ZIP file to a directory like C:\Program Files (x86)\Fail2Ban4Win\.
  3. Open an elevated PowerShell window (run it as administrator).
  4. Allow PowerShell scripts to run until you close the window.
    Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Scope Process -Force
  5. Register Fail2Ban4Win as a service.
    & 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Fail2Ban4Win\Install Service.ps1'
  6. Configure the service in the next section before starting it.


  1. Download the latest release ZIP file (
  2. Extract Fail2Ban4Win.exe from the ZIP file to the installation directory.
  3. Restart the service using services.msc (GUI), Restart-Service Fail2Ban4Win (PowerShell), or net stop Fail2Ban4Win & net start Fail2Ban4Win (Command Prompt).


The provided example configuration file has selectors for Remote Desktop Services, Cygwin OpenSSH sshd (updated in 1.3.1), and Windows OpenSSH sshd (updated in 1.3.1). It also has some example values for neverBanSubnets and other properties that you can replace with your own values.

Be aware that isDryRun defaults to true to avoid accidentally blocking traffic until you're ready.

  1. Open the configuration.json file from the Fail2Ban4Win installation directory in a text editor. (You may need to start the editor elevated depending on your file permissions.)
  2. Set any of the following properties.
    Property name Default Description
    isDryRun true Firewall rules will only be created or deleted when this is false.
    maxAllowedFailures 9 If an IP range (of size banSubnetBits) exceeds this number of failures during the failureWindow, it will be banned.
    failureWindow 1.00:00:00 (1 day) How long to consider auth failures. By default, 10 failures in 1 day results in a ban. The format is d.hh:mm:ss.
    banPeriod 1.00:00:00 (1 day) After enough failures, the IP range will be banned by adding a Windows Firewall block rule, which will be removed after this period of time. The format is d.hh:mm:ss.
    banSubnetBits 0 Optional CIDR subnet aggregation size when counting failures and blocking traffic. The example value of 8 bits blocks the /24 subnet, or You can restrict blocking only to the exact IP address by setting this to 0, which is equivalent to /32.
    banRepeatedOffenseCoefficient 0.0 How much of the banPeriod to add on subsequent offenses (optional). The default banPeriod of 1 day and example coefficient of 1.0 results in a 1 day ban for first offenders, 2 days for 2nd offenders, 3 days for 3rd offenders, and 4 days for 4th offenders or greater. Changing this coefficient from 1.0 to 2.0 would result in successive ban durations of 1 day, 3 days, 5 days, and 7 days instead.
    banRepeatedOffenseMax 4 An optional limit on how many repeated offenses can be used to calculate ban duration. By default, the 5th offense and subsequent bans will be capped at the same duration as the 4th offense ban, which is 4 days.
    logLevel Info Optionally adjust the logging verbosity of Fail2Ban4Win. Valid values are Trace (most verbose), Debug, Info, Warn, Error, and Fatal (least verbose). All messages at the given level will be logged, as well as all messages at less verbose levels, i.e. Warn will also log Error and Fatal messages. To see the log output, you must run Fail2Ban4Win.exe in a console like Command Prompt or PowerShell.
    neverBanSubnets [] Optional whitelist of IP ranges that should never be banned, regardless of how many auth failures they generate. Each item can be a single IP address, like, or a range, like
    neverBanReservedSubnets true By default, IP addresses in the reserved blocks,, and will not be banned, to avoid unintentionally blocking LAN access. To allow all three ranges to be banned, change this to false. To then selectively prevent some of those ranges from getting banned, you may add them to the neverBanSubnets list above. Regardless of this configuration, the loopback address will never be banned.
    eventLogSelectors [] Required list of events to listen for in Event Log. Each object in the list can have the following properties.
    • logName: required, which log in Event Viewer contains the events, e.g. Application, Security, OpenSSH/Operational.
    • eventId: required, numeric ID of event logged on auth failure, e.g. 4625 for RDP auth errors.
    • source: optional Source, AKA Provider Name, of events, e.g. sshd-session for Cygwin OpenSSH sshd. If omitted, events will not be filtered by Source.
    • ipAddressEventDataName: optional, the Name of the Data element in the event XML's EventData in which to search for the client IP address of the auth request, e.g. IpAddress for RDP. If omitted, the first Data element will be searched instead.
    • ipAddressEventDataIndex: optional, the 0-indexed offset of the Data element in the XML's EventData in which to search for the client IP address, e.g. 3 to search for IP addresses in the fourth Data element in EventData. Useful if EventData has multiple Data children, but none of them have a Name attribute to specify in ipAddressEventDataName, and the IP address doesn't appear in the first one. This offset is applied after any Name attribute filtering, and applies whether or not ipAddressEventDataName is specified. If omitted, defaults to 0.
    • ipAddressPattern: optional, regular expression pattern string that matches the IP address in the Data element specified above. Useful if you want to filter out some events from the log with the desired ID and source but that don't describe an auth failure (e.g. sshd's disconnect events). If omitted, searches for all IPv4 addresses in the Data element's text content. To set options like case-insensitivity, put (?i) at the start of the pattern. Patterns are not anchored to the entire input string unless you surround them with ^ and $. If you specify a pattern, ensure the desired IPv4 capture group in your pattern has the name ipAddress, e.g.
      Failed: (?<ipAddress>(?:\d{1,3}\.){3}\d{1,3})
    • eventPredicate: optional, XPath 1.0 query fragment to filter events based on arbitrary elements, matched against the <Event> element. Useful if not all events with the given logName, eventId, and source should trigger bans, like IIS HTTP 200 responses, e.g. [EventData/Data[@Name='sc-status']=403]. Most XPath functions are not supported by Windows ETW.
    See Handling a new event below for a tutorial on creating this object.
  3. After saving the configuration file, restart the Fail2Ban4Win service using services.msc (GUI), Restart-Service Fail2Ban4Win (PowerShell), or net stop Fail2Ban4Win & net start Fail2Ban4Win (Command Prompt) for your changes to take effect. Note that the service will clear existing bans when it starts.

Handling a new event

In this example, we will go through the process of creating an event for Windows OpenSSH sshd. This event is already supported in the example configuration file, but the following process covers all of the necessary steps to add any other event.

  1. Ensure OpenSSH Server is installed and running in Windows.
    1. Run explorer.exe ms-settings:optionalfeatures or go to Settings › Apps › Apps & features › Manage optional features.
    2. Select Add a feature.
    3. Install OpenSSH Server.
  2. Open Event Viewer (eventvwr.msc).
  3. Find an instance of the event you want. If one doesn't exist, start an SSH client like ssh or KiTTY and fail to authenticate on purpose. Event Viewer with OpenSSH failure event, General tab
  4. The logName value of the event log selector object comes from the Log Name shown here, in this case, OpenSSH/Operational.
  5. The optional source value comes from the Source shown here, in this case, OpenSSH. You can also omit source in this case because all events in this log have the same Source.
  6. The eventId value comes from the Event ID shown here, in this case, 4.
  7. Switch to the Details (XML View) of the event to determine how the IP address is represented in the <EventData>. Event Viewer with OpenSSH failure event, Details tab
  8. The IP address is found in the following element.
    <Data Name="payload">Failed password for invalid user foo bar from port 49721 ssh2</Data>
  9. The ipAddressEventDataName value comes from the <Data> element that contains the IP address in its text content. In this case, that element has the Name attribute value of payload.
    • If there were just one <Data> element with no Name attribute, you would omit the ipAddressEventDataName property from the event log selector object.
    • If there were multiple <Data> elements with no Name attributes, you would omit the ipAddressEventDataName property and set ipAddressEventDataIndex to the position of the desired Data element (where the first Data child of the EventData element would have index 0).
  10. The ipAddressPattern helps narrow down which events represent auth failures. Some events in this log with ID 4 are caused by successful auth attempts or disconnections, which should not trigger firewall bans. By matching the text of an auth failure, the correct events will be processed. The following pattern matches only auth failures and captures the IP address in a named group for processing.
    ^Failed password for(?: invalid user)? .  from (?<ipAddress>(?:\d{1,3}\.){3}\d{1,3}) port \d{1,5} ssh\d?$
  11. Here is the resulting event log selector from all of the above properties.
        "logName": "OpenSSH/Operational",
        "source": "OpenSSH",
        "eventId": 4,
        "ipAddressEventDataName": "payload",
        "ipAddressPattern": "^Failed password for(?: invalid user)? .  from (?<ipAddress>(?:\\d{1,3}\\.){3}\\d{1,3}) port \\d{1,5} ssh\\d?$"
  12. You can add this object to configuration.json by appending it to the eventLogSelectors array.


Do any of the following.

  • Start the Fail2Ban4Win service from the services.msc GUI.
  • Start the service from PowerShell using Start-Service Fail2Ban4Win.
  • Start the service from Command Prompt using net start Fail2Ban4Win.
  • Run the service in the foreground by starting Fail2Ban4Win.exe in a console window. This is useful for looking at the log output and verifying your configuration, especially when isDryRun is true. You can stop the process using Ctrl C.


You can see the block rules created by Fail2Ban4Win in Windows Firewall.

  1. Start Windows Firewall with Advanced Security (wf.msc).
  2. Go to Inbound Rules.
  3. To only show rules created by Fail2Ban4Win, select Action › Filter by Group › Filter by Fail2Ban4Win.
    • If Fail2Ban4Win has not created any rules yet (for example, if it started running recently), the Filter by Fail2Ban4Win option will not appear in the Filter by Group menu. Click Refresh to update the collection of rules and groups.
  4. To sort by creation time, select View › Add/Remove Columns and Add the Description column, then click the Description column header.

Windows Firewall with Advanced Security filtering by Fail2Ban4Win rules


  • My parents for free Windows Server hosting with a static IP address for anyone to connect to.
  • A vague awareness of the existence of fail2ban that convinced me that non-stop RDP and SSH login attempts might have a solution.
  • wail2ban by Katie McLaughlin (glasnt) for being archived and motivating me to creating my own non-archived implementation.
  • win2ban for charging twenty-nine American dollars for some cobbled together free open-source projects that made me indignant enough to create my own free, open-source, clean-room implementation.
  • Soroush (falahati) for the excellent .NET wrapper for the Windows Firewall COM API.
  • Robert Mustacchi (rmustacc) for talking me out of trying to implement a wait-free list to store failure times and instead continuing to lock array lists.