Engels & Dutch
This side is partly in Dutch. En gedeeltelijk in het Nederlands.
This repository contains only/mainly Sphinx/RST-file's that document some small (documentation) projects; like ideas for trainings etc.
All files and ideas are (C) Albert Mietus. You may:
- Read & study them
- Use the ideas to improve your skills
Clone/fork, Copy them
Create (public) link(s) to the repository and/or RTfD-doc
- https://bitbucket.org/ALbert_Mietus/mess_docideas/
- http://somedocs-ideas-of-albertmietus.readthedocs.io/en/latest/
Unless you inform me about this
This is all work in (slow) progress. Most is in pre-alfa status
Whenever a Idea becomes a great-Idea and/or in a more-or-less finished status, it may move to a separate environment. Then, typical, it becomes “really” public and published
--Albert Mietus