This is code for a personal project and will not be maintained. I'm just making the source available as-is in case it is helpful for your project.
If you would like to build upon it, feel free to create a fork!
Arduino code for drawing BMP images from LittleFS to Waveshare 7.3 inch 7 color epaper (F) display using an ESP32
It is highly recommended to use 4-bit BMP as these already have a large file size (190 kB for 800x480).
Lower size images are supported, make sure height and width are both an even pixel count.
Set pins in epdif.h
. Use another program, e.g. WLED, to upload BMP images to LittleFS filesystem.
Early demo stage, I am not fully satisfied with the performance of this display as of now as there is a loss of contrast and striping when drawing dithered photos.
Code is based on the official demo by Waveshare