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Do you use AWS ?

Do you need to SSH into those instances ?

Do you hate having to use a web browser to find the instances and ip addresses ?

Then you should use ipaws! IP AWS... ipAWS... whatever way you want to read/say it as. :)

ipaws is a devops tool for listing and ssh-ing into ec2 instances. ipaws is especially helpful in environments that utilize dynamically created ec2 instances from Elastic Beanstalk.

ipaws features filtering by:

  • AWS Credential Profile
  • AWS Region
  • Project
  • environment with regex matching (prod, stage, dev, etc.)
  • blue-green active/inactive

ipaws also integrates closely with a wide variety of ssh options (ProxyCommand, custom identity files, etc.) allowing you to ssh with a single command into even the most secure environments! The pain of logging into a server without a public IP or one that is behind a jump box will be a thing of the past with ipaws!


ipaws makes a few assumptions about your environment. Certain features may or may not work if your AWS environment is not properly configured.

  1. Project Tag Name - Every application needs to be tagged to a project; this tag helps ipaws to group different environments as part of the same project; default tag name used is "Project" but the tag name can be changed via the project_tag_matcher config option. For example, other companies may tag their applications by the "Application" tag, project_tag_matcher: "Application" would make ipaws work with that. Tagging Reference

  2. Environment Name - For blue/green environments, the blue and green environment must include a string that matches both environments. Eg. myapp-prod-a, myapp-prod-b ipaws will be able to match on myapp-prod.

  3. inactive/active CNAME - ipaws uses cname matching to determine which environment is live and which environment is inactive. A string must be in either the active or inactive cname to indicate its state. You can use the inactive_matcher or the active_matcher config option signify this. Only one option has to be defined, the opposite will be inferred.

Installing as a gem

TODO: We'll have this up on soon!

Without Rubygems

gem install specific_install
gem specific_install master
  • rake install (while in the projects root directory)

Config file

Please refer to ipaws.config.sample for an example config file and a starting point. A config file is almost a requirement if you want to use ipaws conveniently.


ipaws help
  ipaws help [COMMAND]   # Describe available commands or one specific command
  ipaws list SUBCOMMAND  # list information
  ipaws print_ssh        # print out usable ssh information
  ipaws ssh              # ssh into an existing instance
  ipaws version          # print ipaws release version

  -p, [--project=PROJECT]                # Project to find instances for
  -P, [--aws-profile=AWS_PROFILE]        # AWS profile
  -r, [--aws-region=AWS_REGION]          # AWS region
  -a, [--active=ACTIVE]                  # Search for active servers
  -i, [--inactive=INACTIVE]              # Search for inactive servers
  -e, [--environment=ENVIRONMENT]        # A description of which environment to use, eg. "dev" or "prod". Uses regex as a matcher. When using environment
  -x, [--proxy=PROXY]                    # Enable ssh ProxyCommand; No argument defaults to default_proxy_command in configuration; argument overrides proxy config
  -h, [--hostname=HOSTNAME]              # Show full hostname instead of inactive
  -n, [--instance=N]                     # Specific instance number to connect to
  -y, [--identity=IDENTITY]              # ssh identity file
  -c, [--config=CONFIG]                  # Config to read from (yaml format). All other options will be merged with a config file present.
  -k, [--config-profile=CONFIG_PROFILE]  # Which profile to use in the config.

ipaws list help
  ipaws list applications     # List all applications in EB
  ipaws list config_profiles  # List all the config profiles within the ipaws config file
  ipaws list help [COMMAND]   # Describe subcommands or one specific subcommand
  ipaws list ips              # List all instance ips for said application
  ipaws list projects         # List all projects for existing ec2 instances using tags, slow process

  -P, [--aws-profile=AWS_PROFILE]  # AWS profile
  -r, [--aws-region=AWS_REGION]    # AWS region

Supported Environment Variables (and which option they correlate to)

        AWS_DEFAULT_REGION =>   -r, [--aws-region=REGION]
        AWS_DEFAULT_PROFILE =>  -P, [--aws-profile=PROFILE]
        IPAWS_PROJECT =>        -p, [--project=PROJECT]
        IPAWS_CONFIG_PROFILE => -k, [--config-profile=CONFIG_PROFILE]  
        IPAWS_CONFIG =>         -c, [--config=CONFIG]

Config Option Precedence

Most options have multiple locations to define the same config option. ipaws merges all options and resolves conflicts by the following precedence rules:

  1. command line option
  2. active config profile(s)
  3. environment variable
  4. default config profile block
  5. built-in application defaults

Config profiles can be stacked together by separating them with a , or .. This is supported in all three areas the config_profile option can be defined:

  • command line via the -k option
  • CONFIG_PROFILE environment variable
  • default: config_profile config file option

When conflicts occur between different config profiles, the first config profile listed that has the option set takes precedence over the other config options.

For example, using the example config file:

ipaws -k im_a_teapot,dexter_lab

The project will be set to "ImATeaPot".



  • Instance Number
  • Environment name
  • IP
  • ssh command
    ipaws print_ssh
    	im-a-teapot-dev-a - inactive
    	ssh [email protected]
    	ssh [email protected]
    	ssh [email protected]
    	im-a-teapot-prod-b - inactive
    	ssh [email protected]


  • Environment name
  • What command is running
  • Waits a second then executes ssh command
  • If an instance number is not specified the first instance from the print_ssh list will be ssh'd into.
    ipaws ssh -k
    For environment: 	im-a-teapot-dev-a - inactive
    Running: 	ssh [email protected]
    Authenticated to ([]:22).
    Last login: Mon Jan 01 00:00:01 1979 from
     _____ _           _   _      ____                       _        _ _
    | ____| | __ _ ___| |_(_) ___| __ )  ___  __ _ _ __  ___| |_ __ _| | | __
    |  _| | |/ _` / __| __| |/ __|  _ \ / _ \/ _` | '_ \/ __| __/ _` | | |/ /
    | |___| | (_| \__ \ |_| | (__| |_) |  __/ (_| | | | \__ \ || (_| | |   <
    |_____|_|\__,_|___/\__|_|\___|____/ \___|\__,_|_| |_|___/\__\__,_|_|_|\_\
                                           Amazon Linux AMI
    This EC2 instance is managed by AWS Elastic Beanstalk. Changes made via SSH
    WILL BE LOST if the instance is replaced by auto-scaling. For more information
    on customizing your Elastic Beanstalk environment, see our documentation here:

SSH man page found


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