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[ICLR 2022] CROP: Certifying Robust Policies for Reinforcement Learning through Functional Smoothing

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CROP: Certifying Robust Policies for Reinforcement Learning through Functional Smoothing

We propose CROP, the first unified framework for certifying robust policies for RL against test-time evasion attacks on agent observations. In particular, we propose two robustness certification criteria: robustness of per-state actions and lower bound of cumulative rewards. We then develop three novel methods (LoAct, GRe, LoRe) to achieve certification corresponding to the two certification criteria. More details can be found in our paper:

Fan Wu, Linyi Li, Zijian Huang, Yevgeniy Vorobeychik, Ding Zhao, and Bo Li, "CROP: Certifying Robust Policies for Reinforcement Learning through Functional Smoothing", ICLR 2022

All experimental results are available at the website

Content of the repository

In our paper, we apply our three certification algorithms (CROP-LoAct, CROP-GRe, and CROP-LoRe) to certify nine RL methods (StdTrain, GaussAug, AdvTrain, SA-MDP (PGD,CVX), RadialRL, CARRL, NoisyNet, and GradDQN) on two high-dimensional Atari games (Pong and Freeway), one low dimensional control environment (CartPole), and an autonomous driving environment (Highway). For all algorithms in all environments, we obtain certification on either per-state action stability or cumulative reward lower bound.

In this repository, we provide the code for our CROP framework, built on top of the deep RL codebase CleanRL. Basically, our repository contains both the code for

  1. training policies (via functionalities provided by CleanRL codebase), and
  2. certifying the trained policies (via testing code and APIs in our CROP framework).

Below, we first present example commands for running the certifications (including LoAct, GRe, and LoAct), and then provide the usage of the easy-to-use plug-and-play APIs such that interested readers can directly integrate these certification APIs into their own testing code for their trained models.

Example commands for certification

In this part, we present the example commands for obtaining certification corresponding to two certification criteria via three certification algorithms.


We first run the pre-processing step to obtain the output range of the Q-network, e.g.,

python \
			--load-checkpoint <model_path> --dqn-type <model_type> \
			--m 10000 --sigma 0.01

Then, we update the configuration file and run LoAct to obtain the certification for per-state action stability via local smoothing, e.g.,

python \
			--load-checkpoint <model_path> --dqn-type <model_type> \
			--m 10000 --sigma 0.01

The results are stored in files with the suffix _certify-r-{i}.pt.


Example command to run GRe to obtain the certification for cumulative reward via global smoothing:

python \
				--gym-id PongNoFrameskip-v4 --restrict-actions 4 \
				--load-checkpoint <model_path> --dqn-type <model_type> \
				--max-episodes 10000 --sigma 0.01

The results are stored in the file with the suffix


Example command to run LoRe to obtain the certification for cumulative reward via adaptive search algorithm along with local smoothing:

python \
				--gym-id PongNoFrameskip-v4 --restrict-actions 4 \
				--load-checkpoint <model_path> --dqn-type <model_type> \
				--m 10000 --sigma 0.01

The results are stored in the file with the suffix

Usage of APIs

class LoAct

  • Filepath:
  • Class name: LoAct
  • Input variables:

log_func: the function for logging information

input_shape: shape of the state observation

model: the model (Q-network)

forward_func: the model forward function of the given model (e.g., model.forward). This function returns the Q-value.

m: number of samples for randomized smoothing

sigma: standard deviation of the smoothing Gaussian noise

v_lo and v_hi: the estimated output range of the Q-network. Details see Section 4.2 of the paper.

conf_bound: parameter for computing the confidence interval in the Hoeffding's inequality.

  • Functions:

__init__: initialization

init_record_list: initialize the statistics to be saved

forward: 1) perform randomized smoothing; 2) compute the certification via Theorem 1 in Section 4.1

save: save the statistics and reset

  • How to incorporate the API
  1. Model loading: after loading the model as in the original testing, wrap the loaded model into LoAct;
  2. Forwarding: replace the original forwarding step via the model with the forwarding step via LoAct;
  3. Statistics saving: after finishing one episode, save the stored statistics and reset.
  • Example file for proper usage of the API:

class GRe

  • Filepath:

  • Class name: GRe

  • Input variables:

log_func, input_shape, model, forward_func, sigma: same as described in the previous part for class LoAct

  • Functions:

__init__: initialization

forward: perform global smoothing by adding one noise at each given time step

  • How to incorporate the API
  1. Model loading: after loading the model as in the original testing, wrap the loaded model into GRe;
  2. Forwarding: replace the original forwarding step via the model with the forwarding step via GRe;
  3. Statistics saving: after completing args.max_episodes number of trajectories via GRe forwarding and obtaining the cumulative rewards for these args.max_episodes randomized trajectories, save these reward values.
  • Example file for proper usage of the API:

class LoRe

  • Filepath:
  • Class name: LoRe
  • Input variables:

log_func, input_shape, model, forward_func, m, sigma, v_lo, v_hi, conf_bound: same as described in the previous part for class LoAct

max_frames_per_episode: the trajectory/horizon length to evaluate for the reward certification, i.e., $H$

  • Main functions:

__init__: initialization, including the preparation for priority queue and the memorization in search

run: the entire adaptive search algorithm, alternating between the trajectory exploration and expansion step and the perturbation magnitude growth step in the loop

expand: the trajectory exploration and expansion step

take_action: deciding the possible action set for each current step, via Theorem 4 in Section 5.2

save: saving certified_map which contains the list of mappings from perturbation magnitudes to the corresponding certified lower bounds to the corresponding file

  • How to incorporate the API
  1. Model loading: after loading the model as in the original testing, wrap the loaded model into LoAct;
  2. Adaptive search: directly call, obs), where obs is the fixed initial observation;
  • Example file for proper usage of the API:

  • Sidenote: During the growth of the tree, we keep track of the nodes and edges corresponding to the states and transitions. The tree structure can be saved via save_tree at the end of the adaptive search, which facilitates the visualization of the search tree as well as the understanding of the certification procedure.


title={CROP: Certifying Robust Policies for Reinforcement Learning through Functional Smoothing},
author={Wu, Fan and Li, Linyi and Huang, Zijian and Vorobeychik, Yevgeniy and Zhao, Ding and Li, Bo},
booktitle={International Conference on Learning Representations},


[ICLR 2022] CROP: Certifying Robust Policies for Reinforcement Learning through Functional Smoothing







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