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#smod smod is a modular framework with every kind of diagnostic and offensive feature you could need in order to pentest modbus protocol. It is a full Modbus protocol implementation using Python and Scapy. This software could be run on Linux/OSX under python 2.7.x.

##Summery SCADA (Process Control Networks) based systems have moved from proprietary closed networks to open source solutions and TCP/IP enabled networks steadily over recent years. This has made them vulnerable to the same security vulnerabilities that face our traditional computer networks.

The Modbus/TCP protocol was used as the reference protocol to display the effectiveness of the test bed in carrying out cyber attacks on a power system protocol. Modbus/TCP was chosen specifically for these reasons:

  • modbus is still widely used in power systems.
  • modbus/TCP is simple and easy to implement.
  • modbus protocol libraries are freely available for utilities to implement smart grid applications.

You can use this tool to vulnerability assessment a modbus protocol.

##Demo Just a little demo showing off the basics

root@kali:~/smod# python 
< SMOD >
        \   ^__^
         \  (xx)\_______
            (__)\       )\/\
             U  ||----w |
SMOD >help
 Command  Description                                      
 -------  -----------                                      
 back     Move back from the current context               
 exit     Exit the console                                 
 exploit  Run module                                       
 help     Help menu                                        
 show     Displays modules of a given type, or all modules 
 set      Sets a variable to a value                       
 use      Selects a module by name                         
SMOD >show modules
 Modules                              Description                             
 -------                              -----------                             
 modbus/function/readCoils            Fuzzing Read Coils Function             
 modbus/function/readDiscreteInput    Fuzzing Read Discrete Inputs Function   
 modbus/function/readHoldingRegister  Fuzzing Read Holding Registers Function 
 modbus/function/readInputRegister    Fuzzing Read Input Registers Function   
 modbus/function/writeSingleCoils     Fuzzing Write Single Coil Function      
 modbus/function/writeSingleRegister  Fuzzing Write Single Register Function  
 modbus/scanner/discover              Check Modbus Protocols                  
 modbus/scanner/getfunc               Enumeration Function on Modbus           
 modbus/scanner/uid                   Brute Force UID                         

Brute Force Modbus UID

SMOD >use modbus/scanner/uid
SMOD modbus(uid) >show options
 Name      Current Setting  Required  Description                                 
 ----      ---------------  --------  -----------                                 
 Function  1                False     Function code, Defualt:Read Coils.          
 Output    True             False     The stdout save in output directory         
 RHOSTS                     True      The target address range or CIDR identifier 
 RPORT     502              False     The port number for modbus protocol         
 Threads   1                False     The number of concurrent threads            
SMOD modbus(uid) >set RHOSTS
SMOD modbus(uid) >exploit 
[ ] Module Brute Force UID Start
[ ] Start Brute Force UID on :
[ ] UID on is : 10
SMOD modbus(uid) >

Enumeration Function on Modbus

SMOD >use modbus/scanner/getfunc
SMOD modbus(getfunc) >show options
 Name     Current Setting  Required  Description                                 
 ----     ---------------  --------  -----------                                 
 Output   True             False     The stdout save in output directory         
 RHOSTS                    True      The target address range or CIDR identifier 
 RPORT    502              False     The port number for modbus protocol         
 Threads  1                False     The number of concurrent threads            
 UID      None             True      Modbus Slave UID.                           
SMOD modbus(getfunc) >set RHOSTS
SMOD modbus(getfunc) >set UID 10
SMOD modbus(getfunc) >exploit 
[ ] Module Get Function Start
[ ] Looking for supported function codes on
[ ] Function Code 1(Read Coils) is supported.
[ ] Function Code 2(Read Discrete Inputs) is supported.
[ ] Function Code 3(Read Multiple Holding Registers) is supported.
[ ] Function Code 4(Read Input Registers) is supported.
[ ] Function Code 5(Write Single Coil) is supported.
[ ] Function Code 6(Write Single Holding Register) is supported.
[ ] Function Code 7(Read Exception Status) is supported.
[ ] Function Code 8(Diagnostic) is supported.
[ ] Function Code 15(Write Multiple Coils) is supported.
[ ] Function Code 16(Write Multiple Holding Registers) is supported.
[ ] Function Code 17(Report Slave ID) is supported.
[ ] Function Code 20(Read File Record) is supported.
[ ] Function Code 21(Write File Record) is supported.
[ ] Function Code 22(Mask Write Register) is supported.
[ ] Function Code 23(Read/Write Multiple Registers) is supported.
SMOD modbus(getfunc) >


MODBUS Penetration Testing Framework






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