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Web application for managing book clubs.

Contribution Guide

How to Run

  1. Fork & clone the repo.

  2. Install dependencies.

    pnpm i
  3. Run CockroachDB.

    There are three options:

    • Use docker to start a local cluster.

      docker run -it --rm -p 26257:26257 -p 8080:8080 --env COCKROACH_DATABASE=<database_name> --env COCKROACH_USER=<user_name> --env COCKROACH_PASSWORD=<password> cockroachdb/cockroach:latest start-single-node
    • Install CockroachDB locally and start a local cluster. (docs)

    • Start a cloud cluster. (docs)

  4. Create .env file in the project root directory. See .env.sample file to see which variables are needed.

  5. Run

    pnpm dev