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Forked from nddrylliog/
Created February 25, 2016 08:48
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Cross-compile autotools library for Android / arm-linux-androideabi I stick that in ~/bin/, chmod x, and then run it in place of "./configure" in my project. Then a make and make install later, the prefix contains libraries built for android. Neato eh?
# I put all my dev stuff in here
export DEV_PREFIX=$HOME/Dev/
# Don't forget to adjust this to your NDK path
export ANDROID_NDK=${DEV_PREFIX}/android-ndk-r8d/
export CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux-androideabi
# I chose the gcc-4.7 toolchain - works fine for me!
export ANDROID_PREFIX=${ANDROID_NDK}/toolchains/arm-linux-androideabi-4.7/prebuilt/darwin-x86
# Apparently android-8 works fine, there are other versions, look them up
export SYSROOT=${ANDROID_NDK}/platforms/android-8/arch-arm
# Non-exhaustive lists of compiler binutils
# Depending on what you compile, you might need more binutils than that
export CPP=${CROSS_PATH}-cpp
export AR=${CROSS_PATH}-ar
export AS=${CROSS_PATH}-as
export NM=${CROSS_PATH}-nm
export CC=${CROSS_PATH}-gcc
export CXX=${CROSS_PATH}-g
export LD=${CROSS_PATH}-ld
export RANLIB=${CROSS_PATH}-ranlib
# This is just an empty directory where I want the built objects to be installed
export PREFIX=${DEV_PREFIX}/android/prefix
# Don't mix up .pc files from your host and build target
export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=${PREFIX}/lib/pkgconfig
# You can clone the full Android sources to get bionic if you want.. I didn't
# want to so I just got linker.h from here:
# Note that this was only required to build boehm-gc with dynamic linking support.
export CFLAGS="${CFLAGS} --sysroot=${SYSROOT} -I${SYSROOT}/usr/include -I${ANDROID_PREFIX}/include -I${DEV_PREFIX}/android/bionic"
export LDFLAGS="${LDFLAGS} -L${SYSROOT}/usr/lib -L${ANDROID_PREFIX}/lib"
./configure --host=${CROSS_COMPILE} --with-sysroot=${SYSROOT} --prefix=${PREFIX} "$@"
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