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Last active May 26, 2023 01:27
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Python script to get index (.idx) files from the SEC's EDGAR database and save them to text files in a local directory.
import requests
import os
import time
# List of years to be searched
years = [2000 x for x in range(10,18)]
# List of quarters to be searched
quarters = ['QTR1', 'QTR2', 'QTR3', 'QTR4']
# The absolute path to the folder for saving the index files
base_path = 'C:/Users/Martin/edgar/indexes'
# Get a list of the folders in the base path.
current_dirs = os.listdir(path=base_path)
# Loop over the years and quarters. For each year/quarter combination, get the corresponding
# index file from EDGAR, and save it to the local machine as a text file.
for yr in years:
# Check current_dirs for a folder labeled 'yr' (i.e. 2009, 2015, etc)
# If the folder does not exist, then create it.
if str(yr) not in current_dirs:
os.mkdir('/'.join([base_path, str(yr)]))
# Get a list of the files inside the year folder.
current_files = os.listdir('/'.join([base_path, str(yr)]))
for qtr in quarters:
# Use the following filename pattern to store the index files locally.
local_filename = f'xbrl-index-{yr}-{qtr}.txt'
# Create the absolute path for storing the index file. (e.g.
# C:/Users/Martin/edgar/indexes/2015/xbrl-index-2015-QTR3.txt)
local_file_path = '/'.join([base_path, str(yr), local_filename])
# Check to see if the index file for the current year/quarter combination is already
# saved locally. If it is, then skip to the next year/quarter combination.
if local_filename in current_files:
print(f'Skipping index file for {yr}, {qtr} because it is already saved.')
# Define the url at which to get the index file.
url = f'{yr}/{qtr}/xbrl.idx'
# Get the index file from EDGAR and save it to a text file. Note that to save a file
# rather than bringing it into memory, set stream=True and use r.iter_content()
# to break the incoming stream into chunks (here arbitrarily of size 10240 bytes)
r = requests.get(url, stream=True)
with open(local_file_path, 'wb') as f:
for chunk in r.iter_content(chunk_size=10240):
# Wait one-tenth of a second before sending another request to EDGAR.
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Thanks for making this public. I'm working on a project and this saved me some time grabbing the idx files!

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Thank you so much for this excellent code. Saved me a lot of time.

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If you use this code today, SEC will block you for not declaring a user agent. Just add below to make it work, and keep the requests to under 10 per second.
headers = { 'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0', } r = requests.get(url, stream=True, headers = headers)

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Thanks it works!

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eaders = { 'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0', } r = requests.get(url, stream=True, headers = headers)

Thank you very much! May I know where I should insert this code? :)

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