something like this will add a great regularly updated malware file for it to use. More security and privacy to you! Specifically, this uses Choose one of the Raw Hosts file from there to use.
To setup DNSMasq, follow the below ...
wget -O- | awk '$1 == "" { print "address=/"$2"/"}' > /etc/dnsmasq.d/malware.conf`
for ipv6, add in this too
wget -O- | awk '$1 == "" { print "address=/"$2"/::1/"}' > /etc/dnsmasq.d/malware-ipv6.conf
you could also use that line in a cron job to have it run periodically. I have attached a file dnsmasq-antimalware with this gist, which I dump into /etc/cron.weekly which basically does the above and updates the dnsmasq formatted file weekly
The only thing you might need to configure is your choice of host file. Edit "HOSTS_RAW" as needed.
& of course, restart dnsmasq.
If you have not setup dnsmasq, there is a heap of documentaion online, or just follow the quick steps below.
Install DNSMasq Debian: apt-get install dnsmasq Others: install dnsmasq from whatever package manager present, it will likely be present in the distro.
Config DNSMasq as Needed. Edit as needed, I have added the main config I use below.
( or /etc/dnsmasq.d/dnsmasq.conf if configured in Debian as such )
- Lets point command line to use dnsmasq by default If you are using the resolvconf package. Basically configure your system so that it /etc/resolv.conf has only one nameserver configured pointing to localhost, or make sure this local dns is the first listed nameserver.
Tip: For many public wifis, you might need to also configure a second nameserver to an externally used dns. I usually leave a second nameserver with a public nameserver of my choosing. No need too, just keep this in mind since it could catch you out.
echo "nameserver" > /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/base
- Lets also configure NetworkManager to use this dnsmasq. This ensures no other config is needed for each configured interface from NetworkManager.
Put a line like so in
look for [main] and add a line as indicated below (& of course restart NetworkManager, or just restart)
I use a separate dnsmasq process and hence the config, below basically tells NetworkManager not the touch the resolv.conf
- with the above config, I do not actually use the /etc/resolv.conf .. so check and adjust your system accordingly with your choice. The above setup for Dnsmasq NetworkManager are really hints only. Milage will vary.
Alternately, the option dns=systemd-resolved could also work instead.
- This is tested across recent Fedora (24 ) & Debian boxes
- Bonus tip: Its a smallish step up from here to get DNSCrypt going as well, will add a link once I get down to documenting that.
This script is an example of useless use of
can read its input from a file instead of stdin if the filename is specified as the second argument, e.g.No need for the extra process and pipe. Might also want to delete the temporary file at the end of the script.