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Last active April 30, 2020 17:12
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  • Save RGBKnights/756b5f51465cc22d0ca39205979ad2a1 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save RGBKnights/756b5f51465cc22d0ca39205979ad2a1 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
import assert from 'assert'
import { NeuralNetwork, Model, Academy } from "reimprovejs/dist/reimprove.js"
const TIMEOUT = 1; // mins
const MAP_SIZE = 10;
function randomPoint()
let min = 0;
let max = MAP_SIZE;
return Math.floor(Math.random()*(max-min 1) min);
function jumpDistance(x1, y1, x2, y2) {
return Math.abs(x2-x1) Math.abs(y2-y1);
// const average = arr => arr.reduce( ( p, c ) => p c, 0 ) / arr.length;
suite('Academy tests', function () {
this.timeout(TIMEOUT * 60 * 1000);
test('setup academy and train students', async function () {
let actor = {x: 1, y: 1};
let target = {x: 5, y: 7};
let distance = jumpDistance(actor.x, actor.y, target.x, target.y);
let steps = 0;
const modelFitConfig = {
epochs: 1,
stepsPerEpoch: 16
const numActions = 4;
const inputSize = 4;
// The window of data which will be sent yo your agent. For instance the x previous inputs, and what actions the agent took
const temporalWindow = 1;
const totalInputSize = inputSize * temporalWindow numActions * temporalWindow inputSize;
const network = new NeuralNetwork();
network.InputShape = [totalInputSize];
{type: 'dense', units: 32, activation: 'relu'},
{type: 'dense', units: numActions, activation: 'softmax'}
// Now we initialize our model, and start adding layers
const model = new Model.FromNetwork(network, modelFitConfig);
// Finally compile the model, we also exactly use tfjs's optimizers and loss functions
// (So feel free to choose one among tfjs's)
model.compile({loss: 'meanSquaredError', optimizer: 'sgd'})
// Every single field here is optionnal, and has a default value. Be careful, it may not fit your needs ...
const teacherConfig = {
lessonsQuantity: 10000,
lessonLength: 20,
lessonsWithRandom: 2,
epsilon: 0.5,
epsilonDecay: 0.995,
epsilonMin: 0.05,
gamma: 0.9
const agentConfig = {
model: model,
agentConfig: {
memorySize: 1000, // The size of the agent's memory (Q-Learning)
batchSize: 128, // How many tensors will be given to the network when fit
temporalWindow: temporalWindow // The temporal window giving previous inputs & actions
// First we need an academy to host everything
const academy = new Academy();
const teacher = academy.addTeacher(teacherConfig);
const agent = academy.addAgent(agentConfig);
academy.assignTeacherToAgent(agent, teacher);
while(true) {
// Gather inputs
let distance_before = Math.hypot(target.x-actor.x, target.y-actor.y);
let inputs = [actor.x, actor.y, target.x, target.y];
assert.equal(inputs.length, inputSize, "The Input Size dose not match the Inputs Array length");
// Step the learning
let result = await academy.step([{teacherName: teacher, agentsInput: inputs}]);
// Take Action
if(result !== undefined) {
steps ;
var action = result.get(agent);
if(action === 0) {
actor.x ; // Right
} else if(action === 1) {
actor.x--; // Left
} else if(action === 2) {
actor.y ; // Down
} else if(action === 3) {
actor.y--; // Up
if(actor.x < 0)
actor.x = 0;
else if(actor.x > MAP_SIZE)
actor.x = MAP_SIZE;
if(actor.y < 0)
actor.y = 0;
else if(actor.y > MAP_SIZE)
actor.y = MAP_SIZE;
let distance_after = Math.hypot(target.x-actor.x, target.y-actor.y)
let reward = (distance_before == distance_after) ? -0.1 : distance_before - distance_after;
academy.addRewardToAgent(agent, reward);
//`Target: (${target.x}, ${target.y}) Location: (${actor.x}, ${actor.y}) Reward: ${reward}`);
if(actor.x === target.x && actor.y === target.y) {`Target: ${distance} Steps: ${steps} Delta: ${(steps-distance)}`);
target = { x: randomPoint(), y: randomPoint() };
steps = 0;
distance = jumpDistance(actor.x, actor.y, target.x, target.y);
teardown(async function () {
// Do Nothing...
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T2brozz commented Nov 5, 2019

hey you use await academy.step([{teacherName: teacher, agentsInput: inputs}]);at this line on mycode (not copyed ) I get SyntaxError: await is only valid in async functions and async generators . I use your line in a setInterval function . Do you have any suggestions?

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@T2brozz make sure that the function that contains that line is declared as an async function.

const func = () => { await asyncFunc(); };

will always throw the error you mentioned. To declare it an async function, you need to do the following (this syntax is for arrow functions):

const func = async () => { await asyncFun(); };

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