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Chat Messaging

Unity SDK In-Game Chat Plugin

Ready for multiplayer console titles, viral mobile games, and everything in between, the Unity Chat SDK helps developers add in-game messaging that just works — whether you have 10 players online or 10 million.

example of unity chat sdk
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Getting Started

This guide quickly brings you up to speed on Stream’s Chat API. The API is flexible and allows you to build any type of chat or messaging. 


This low-level client brings the power of the Stream Chat API into your existing Unity game engine environment. Start with the Unity In-Game Chat Tutorial, then customize features and UI complexity to match your genre and concept.

Sample Apps

Along with the Unreal SDK, this v1.0 release makes Stream Chat more accessible to game developers and studios of all sizes, with reusable assets and components via an SDK plugin. Support for additional API features coming soon.

Key Unity Chat SDK Benefits

The Unity SDK provides straightforward frontend access to all the capabilities of our Chat API infrastructure.


  • Create, Update
  • Delete
  • Mute / Unmute
  • Show / Hide
  • Watch / Unwatch
  • Query Members


  • Send
  • Delete
  • Update
  • Partial Update


  • Create, Update
  • Deactivate User
  • Delete User(s)
  • Mute / Unmute
  • Query Users

Unity Chat Plugin Highlights

  • Written in C#
  • Full source code included
  • Compatible with all Unity platforms
  • Demo project (sample app) included
  • Additional Chat API features in active development

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