Meet Commandeer 3

Manage AWS, LocalStack, Docker, and more from one unified desktop app. With support for 35 cloud services. Available now on Mac, Windows, and Linux.

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What is Commandeer?

In less than 2 minutes, find out how Commandeer can be THE command center for your development team with support for over 35 cloud services including LocalStack, S3, DynamoDB, Lambda, Docker, and more.


How Commandeer helps you

A Lending Hand

We eat, sleep, and drink the cloud. Get answers to cloud questions fast. Checkout our GitHub Issues list, very few bugs, lots of new features.

It Just Works

Get LocalStack, Docker, Serverless, Ansible and more running on your local computer in seconds. Say good-bye to that setup fatigue.

Repeatable Behavior

With over 10 deploy and test runners you can configure once, and repeat over and over. Configure your Ansible and Serverless environment variables. Invoke lambdas directly or test S3, SQS, SNS, DynamoDB Stream Lambda invocations with our test runners.

Faster Ramp-up Time

Decrease ramp-up time for new developers from weeks to hours. Have your team all be on the same page from day 1.

Increase Your Team Velocity

When your whole team knows your system, your velocity goes through the roof. Your developers can really go full stack, creating their infrastructure through code like never before.

Visualize Your System

Visualize your entire system on something other than a whiteboard. With over 10 different system and ER diagrams for Docker, S3, DynamoDB, Athena, Lambda, CloudWatch Alarms, CloudWatch Logs and more, you can how your system really works.

Usage Analytics

Understand the parts of the system your developers spend the most time on. Make resource allocation and project estimates a snap.

Total Comfort & Control

Built from the ground-up for container and serverless management. Right-click context menus, tree-view navigation, deep-link breadcrumbs, and shortcut keys.

Better Productivity

Do repetitive tasks in seconds rather than minutes. Navigate through your whole system as quickly as you scroll through a social media feed. Instantly search all your resources.

View your data

See what matters

Developing systems means seeing your data. Viewing the end result of code execution is crucial to building software. Edit text files, preview images, gifs, videos, and audio files in S3. Query, view and edit your Algolia, Athena, DynamoDB, and Postgres data. Search your CloudWatch Logs and more.

Build your IaC

Measure twice, cut once

IaC (Infrastructure as Code) does not just appear in your repo. You must write and test it the same way you do business-layer code. Now you can close the loop on IaC by building, testing, and deploying it locally, before you check it in. Run, edit, and view the results of Ansible, Bash, Serverless Framework, Docker Compose, CloudFormation and more. Configure your environment variables and settings for different accounts for each runner. Ability to deploy to LocalStack and AWS.

Test your plumbing

See it all working

Visualize your code and all the connections in between. Invoke lambdas and view the resulting CloudWatch Logs instantly. Test your connections between S3, DynamoDB Streams, SNS, SQS and the connected Lambda and view the resulting CloudWatch Logs. View and export ER diagrams for Algolia, Athena, and DynamoDB and system diagrams for connections between S3, DynamoDB, Lambda, CloudWatch Logs, CloudWatch Alarms, Docker, and more.


Hear from our Customers and Partners

James Tamplin
COO - Covid Act Now (Firebase CEO/Founder and Google alum)

You can only manage what you measure, so visualizing your cloud is a foundational part of building great things. These folks are fantastic technologists and I'm excited to see Commandeer grow.

Waldemar Hummer
Lead contributor to LocalStack (Head of Engineering - Zurich Insurance)

Bringing the cloud home to every developer's local system is our passion. The Commandeer team is on that same wavelength.

Emad Hasan
CEO - (Facebook alum)

By allowing our data engineers and scientists to see the system in the same way, we are able to visualize and explain complex data pipelines in minutes. Quickly viewing S3 and Athena is magical.

Cory Loken
CEO - Crunchy Bananas (Apple and Napster alum)

Commandeer is our go to app to manage the infrastructure. It's amazing how much insight you get from finally being able to see your infrastructure visually.

Ross Hale
CEO - Fractal (Pivotal Labs alum)

Commandeer allows our developers to focus on the business logic instead of spending countless hours on the infrastructure.

Manas Chaliha
VP of Engineering - (Snapfish/HP alum)

If you ever stumbled upon LocalStack, and thought the world has just gotten so much better, because you can run your AWS Cloud on your local computer, you are going to feel that same way once you use Commandeer.


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  • 35 services supported
  • 1 week free trial
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